Howdy all

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Yowzerman, Sep 2, 2014.

    1. Yowzerman

      Yowzerman Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Been reading some of the threads over the past week once I came upon this site while surfing tinnitus on the web. I'm amazed at how many people have this disorder and how many people are on this site.

      My tinnitis began early in 2014 in my left ear only. At first it wasn't too disturbing but became worse over a month's time. I can't recall any very recent trauma but I did puncture my left eardrum about 18 months ago and it took a week or so to heal. No tinnitus afterward. About 3 years ago I'd slipped on ice and fell backward banging the left back of my head, unconscious for ~ a minute based on the blood puddle. At the hospital the CT scan didn't show anything obvious and I was told I had a mild concussion. As a veteran from the Vietnam War era, I was exposed to some loud noises but never had any sustained hearing issues. Aside from the usual rock concerts over my younger years, I've always enjoyed listening to music a bit louder than most. More recently, I've been using good quality earbuds while exercising with my IPOD and wonder if this didn't bring on the tinnitus. However, my right ear is essentially noise free. My left ear symptoms are the tinnitus, of course but also some transient feelings of fullness that seem to react favorably for a short time to a good yawn or swallow, gently popping or crackling. I occasionally get a sense of warmth around that ear and sometimes the left side of my face gets a bit 'strange'. I have arthritis in my neck and wonder if I'm pinching a nerve there.

      I've had my hearing checked by an audiologist and I have some hearing loss in my right ear but more in the tinnitus filled left ear. I'm to be scheduled for an MRI soon to see if the unilateral tinnitus is caused by an accoustic neuroma. That would be a real bummer indeed but it seems that's a very rare cause afterall. The tympanic membrane looks good and there are no observable signs of infection.

      So then, thanks for reading my story. Any advice or input is always appreciated and I surely wish all of you quick if not the gift of spontaneous healing of your tinnitus.
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    2. Jay M

      Jay M Member

      South Carolina, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks. Spontaneous would be great! Ive read some get relief from a hearing aid.
    3. Voirrey

      Voirrey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have tinnitus in my left ear for about 7 years,also a slight hearing loss in that ear,i have only had my hearing aids for 2 weeks,they are amazing when wearing them i dont hear the tinnitus at all.
      They are very small and just sit behind the with a piece of clear plastic tubing which goes into the ear,you can hardly notice them.
      They are also comfortable i put them in when i get up and take them out when i go to bed,just wish i had tried them sooner.
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    4. AUTHOR

      Yowzerman Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Voirrey, have you ever been told about an accoustic neuroma possibly causing the one sided tinnitis? Glad the hearing aid is helping, I can see that in my near future, anything to get some relief from this crazy stuff!
    5. Voirrey

      Voirrey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have heard of accoustic neuroma,when i first got tinnitus i went to see my doctor he wasn't very helpful more or less told me to learn to live with it,as my father also used to suffer from tinnitus i just assumed it was hereditry and just put up with it.
      I went for a hearing test a month ago after a friend told me hearing aids had helped with her tinnitus.
      I don't think i have an accoustic neuroma as i have no other symptoms.
    6. BobDigi
      Kick ass

      BobDigi Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise
      Don't worry too much about a neuroma. I also had tinnitus in one ear (both now but very faint in right ear)and had an MRI. At one point i was convinced i had a neuroma. Turns out i never. And i was worrying about nothing.
      It also turns out having a neuroma isn't that bigger deal anyway. Obviously we don't want one. But they aren't too much to worry about anyway. Usually they are so slow growing on not growing at all that all they need is monitoring.
      Anyway my point is it's very unlikely you have one. Especially if you aren't having any other symptoms such as balance issues.
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    7. skywalker

      skywalker Member

      Melbourne Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Sorry to derail Yowzerman thread, Can i ask why you take out the hearing aids before bed, New to all this
    8. Voirrey

      Voirrey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I only take them out for bed as i sleep on my side and they are a bit uncomfortable to lie on.
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