New to this Support Board

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by quietatnight, Jul 27, 2014.

    1. quietatnight

      quietatnight Member

      Rockford IL
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma / firecracker
      Hi, Im new to this support board, I did not know where to start I know that this is an older thread, looks like around Jan 2013 so I just figuered why not just jump in here. Please bare with me breaking in the middle.

      First on a personal note : here is a little backgroun about me. I have had tinnitus for over 25 years, it started when I was 26 yeras old, someone set off a firecracker right next to my left ear ear. I went deaf for about 30 days the doctors told me my hearing would return but that I would probarlly have some ringing, and thats what happened. I ended up with mild ringing only in my left ear. Over the years I had a few setbacks inceases due to accustic trammas. But I was allways able to return to my baseline or just live with it. about 10 years ago I decided to try TRT and Neuromicts at the same time, but I was unable to finish either because they were too loud and effecting my tinnitus making it worse. I just got used to the tinnitus and I was doing fine for many years. Untill about 6 weeks ago. I was at my neighbors house with some friends for a weekend get together, I was standing just inside of his garage, his boat was backed in, I had ear plugs in. I allways wear them when Im with a bunh of people at a party ( but Im not sure if they were fitted tightly and correctly that day ) Anyway I was standing there about 5 feet away from the front of the boat. I had no idea that his friend was messing with the batery in then back of the boat and all the sudden some kind of alarm went off,,, it hit me like someone punched me in the face. It sounded like what you hear when a forklift or truck is backing up, that loud "Beep Beep" kind of sound. So I just plugged my ears and ran, I had a feeling that I had messed up big time. But I figured "worset case, I might ended up with a tinitus spike" And I did. I just stayed inside, in quiet to let my ears heal for a couple of weeks. I thought I was going to be fine but. Then One morning I woke up and I noticed that my refidergator was really loud. My TV ws loud, even the water in my sink was loud. I was starting to freak out. And now for the first time in my life, I could hear a slight tinnitus in my other ear as well. And I thought "Did my tinnitus turn into hyperacusis ?" from that short 2 second alarm 5 feet away ? even with ear plugs in my ears ? I kept telling myself "that can't be). Then to make things worse about a week later I notced that I started to get a slight ear ache in both ears. I never get ear aches. Well it been about 2 weeks and the pain seemed to just come and go. So I decided to seek some advice thats is how I ended up here. I have been reading your post on here for 3 days. And Its clear that this is the place to get answers. It seems that alot of you here are from Canada, im from the US. I have a bunch of of questuons but I will ask them in my next post. Im sorry for the long post today. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello.

      Im looking for some info about Hyperacusis and ear pain, thats what Im trying to learn about. If anyone has any info on those issues please let me know.

      Any help is very appricated

      Thank you

      PS: Sorry for any spelling errors, I do not see a spell checker on here.

    2. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      Hi Louie, welcome to TT. You posted correctly. either way no big deal.

      I can't really help except to wait it out and see what happens. I feel for you, and totally understand your concern..
    3. AUTHOR

      quietatnight Member

      Rockford IL
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma / firecracker

      Thank you for writing me and for the warm welcome. Yeah, I was used to the tinnitus, but I was totally unprepaird for what's going on now. I never new this was even possible. Like you said, all I can do is wait and hope for now I guess.

      Than You again

    4. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      Q, you are quite welcome. I know you said you looked around for a few days before posting. Did you get around to looking at "The Positivity Thread" under support. It is really a good read.

      Be sure and keep us updated on you're condition & what your ENT has to say.

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