Tinnitus Loudness/Aging

Discussion in 'Support' started by Danny Boy, Oct 24, 2014.

    1. Danny Boy

      Danny Boy Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection
      Hello, my hearing is perfect at the mo, can hear well over 16,000hz and still my tinnitus is loud and is heard over everything. My question is as I age and my hearing gets worse, I suppose I will be able to hear the tinnitus more right? I cover my ears and the noise I can hear is unbearable, when I mean unbearable, I mean it sounds so loud, it's like an aeroplane is in my head...Also when I put ear plugs in, it even worse. So I guess when I get older that's how loud it's gonna be?
    2. Greg Clarke

      Greg Clarke Member Benefactor

      Wicklow, Ireland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma, Live Music
      Hmm, not so sure that it works like that. Maybe an older member that has had it a number of years would be better off confirming.
    3. AUTHOR
      Danny Boy

      Danny Boy Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection
      I hope it doesn't work like that, because with ear plugs in the tinnitus is far too unbearable, not that it's not bad now.
    4. Greg Clarke

      Greg Clarke Member Benefactor

      Wicklow, Ireland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma, Live Music
      I've had this for the guts of a decade and it only increased in volume last month. I couldn't say it's hearing loss that caused the increase.

      I have read that in cases with hearing loss, hearing aids can be effective but to be honest I think you're worrying too much about the future, live in the now my friend and try concentrate on dealing with the problem to hand, that's what I'm trying to do.
    5. AUTHOR
      Danny Boy

      Danny Boy Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection
      Sorry, it's just scary to think I could suffer much more in the future.
    6. Greg Clarke

      Greg Clarke Member Benefactor

      Wicklow, Ireland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma, Live Music
      I know how you feel. My tinnitus never bothered me until it increased in volume. For the first few weeks I had myself worried sick about it getting worse but we can't live our lives like that. From what you've posted I'm sure your Tinnitus is a hell of a lot more intrusive than mine but the principal is the same.

      Hang in there, see if you can find a support group near you and talk to individuals that have been through what you're going through. Start by checking out the Brittish Tinnitus Association website and look up the location of the support groups.
    7. cowdodge

      cowdodge Member

      Seattle, Washington
      Tinnitus Since:
      I know where you're coming from and yes I'm old:) My t's came on about 15 years ago kind of quiet first and then it got louder. I tried out hearing aids for awhile but they didn't seem to help much but now I have a set that kind of works at settling you down (A little but that ok). You will get ust to the noise and when it bad just get out and about and doing something. This is how I treat my T's by just keeping busy and trying to stay out of a rut because of the constant noise. I take two drugs to help me out one is Oxycontin (And yes it helps but you have to watch yourself and not over do it). And for the anxiety I take Xanax and it helps also. I have been taking both drugs for about 10 years or more and I have not become addicted to either one. I take a minimal of the Oxy twice a day and same goes for the Xanax. I do not drink alcohol as I think that kind of jacks up the noise. Recently I have got involve with a device called Sound Cure but I have yet to hear from anyone that has got relief from using this system. I know one thing it does jack up the level of my T's but hey if it works and doesn't cause any harm that I will be a real test guinea pig for this system. My audioligist wants me to play it at night and wear my hearing aids durring the day. Right now my anxiety is up but I'm going out in a few minutes to get some groceries so my mind will be on other things. Anyway if I rambled on for too long I'm sorry but just hang in there and you will find the key to help you out with your T's. Jon

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    8. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      I have ultra high pitch dog whistle T. It can be so loud and high pitch over the rapids of a salmon river in the wild west of Canada. Yesterday I was at the Chillwack Vedder river fishing at the rapids. I could hear my T even above those raging waters. This dog whistle scream in my ears used to overwhelm me 5 years ago and I would cave into relentless anxiety and panic attacks on auto mode. No amount of will power could stop my negative reactions. Only meds like benzos and anti-depressant drugs plus sleeping pills were able to help me survive. But no longer. My body has hardened to this sensation over time and with some strategies such as CBT. Now I don't give a dime to T whatever it wants to do. Its tyranny is over. I now live an absolutely enjoyable life. Many people have the same experience. Even celebrities like William Shatner (Star Trek Captain Kirk) and David Letterman the famous comedian have T. You google celebrities with tinnitus and that is a long list.

      In this video of Shatner and Letterman in 1996, they talked about their T. Shatner said he was suicidal initially. But with some treatment, he got better and recovered. So every one suffers bad initially but get better over time. Right now, these two guys are near or over 80, and they are still living a normal and productive life. So don't worry about the future. Live the present positively and the future will take care of itself.

      David Letterman with William Shatner - March,...
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    9. RicoS

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      You should stop covering your ears..................... Why listen for it you already know it's loud. I did this also (most stupid thing to do). You want to get rid of it than stop listening for it. If I put a knife in my leg it hurts and why should I push it deeper if I know it will hurt more :nailbiting:

      If you keep doing it .... it becomes an addiction to test if your T is getting louder or softer....I remember doing it more than 20 times a day.... very stupid cause it made matters worse.... i kept focusing on it.

      If you have normal hearing you also do not cover your ears, so why do now if it sounds louder....what you already know it does. :bored:

      Nobody told me ever that when they cover their ears their T is softer. I know it's hard not to do it but from my own experience I advice you not to do it anymore...... good luck dude (y)
    10. david c

      david c Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I think ear plugs aren't a great idea except when you need to wear them for protection as they can make the tinnitus more noticeable. Often with tinnitus the first few months are the worst as you are in the process of adjustment - that doesn't mean that it isn't difficult following on from this and of course any prolonged noise exposure can make things worse but I don't think you should count on things getting worse over time - for most people I think things get a bit better or stay pretty much the same.
    11. Ilija

      Ilija Member

      Jagodina, Serbia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud gig/year of loud headphone usage.
      I'm not sure it works like that really.
      Anyway I wouldn't worry about it, worrying if your Tinnitus will be worse in 30-40 years, it's the same as if you were worrying if you'll get cancer in 40 years or anything of the sorts.
      While this forum is great and all there's people here having a hard time, and what it can do (at the very least for panicky obsessive idiots like me) is give you the idea that Tinnitus will 100% (get worse,make you depressed,never go,never improve and so on and so on) when in reality loads of people have Tinnitus and loads of people don't have it increase.
      They get it, it stays (or in some cases goes even after a long time) and in the end they don't care about it and they lead on with their happy lives.
      I really don't see the point of your worrying yourself about it no one can predict the future.
      In 10-15 years there will probably be treatments if not cures for some cases of Tinnitus.
      How did you get yours? there's research going on into hair cell regeneration and scientists believe we will be able to regrow hair cells in humans as a treatment for loss of hearing in 10 years time.
      There's also the trials, of which the most promising to me is the N-something thing I can't remember where they give you something that actually gives hair cells the ability to regrow.
      Actually, the human ear can regrow hair cells but when the hair cells are damaged high amounts of potasium? I believe are released therefore blocking the hair cells from regenerating, what the N thing does is it represses the potasium giving hair cells the room to regenerate.
      All in all instead of focusing on how yours might get higher in the future which probably won't be the case think of how there will be treatments for hearing loss in the future one will most likely not happen while the other is already being worked on.
      Hope this helps :)
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    12. jimH

      jimH Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      30 years+
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      Danny Boy, my T did not become louder from aging. Although, it is loud most of the time, it does not become severe unless I remain in a state of acute anxiety and stress. That's why I suggested that you address your anxiety and depression in the Retigbine thread. Acute anxiety exacerbates a T condition.

      I agree with others that believe that there will be an effective treatment in the not too distant future. So, take heart and stop generating additional anxiety for yourself by worrying about something that will probably never happen.
    13. Larry OT
      No Mood

      Larry OT Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Volume, meds and motorcycles
      The more you stress over it, the worse it appears to be. If you worry about the future the worse your anxiety gets and the tinnitus will seem louder.

      The things that will help you:
      When you feel panicked - slow long deep breathing. Hold your breath for a few seconds and then a long slow exhale. Count to 6 on inhale,
      Hold for 4 and slow release.

      When you worry about the future-
      Get busy with today. Work, play, call a friend, get outside, get moving.
      Do whatever it is you like to do.
      Sitting around worrying will drag you down.

      Did you see intervention team you mentioned?

      In time you will deal with it better.
    14. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug

      I'm an older person, too, and my tinnitus remained about the same (mild) for 25 years. It only got louder because of an ototoxic drug four years ago -- and now, I am living with my tinnitus just fine. Not only has it not increased, it has actually improved over these last four years. Dr. Nagler is right --- if you acknowledge and worry about your tinnitus, it will not improve and may get worse. If you try to ignore it and live your life as normally as possible, things will improve.

      Best of luck, and I hope your tinnitus improves with time!
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