
Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Injections)
It's having a good effect on mine.

Day 1, got total silence for 5 hours by the end of the day.
Day, 2, rebounded in the morning, came back full blast, but got it down to about a 3 by night.
Day 3, today I started with a 3, and it's been down to about a 1 all day long.

I'm supplementing it with some B12 and Magnesium, Calcium and Zinc as well as some Ginko. Not sure what tomorrow will bring, but even for these 2 days of near silence, it's totally worth it! If for no other reason, to experience silence again after that raging sound in my head for 6 days straight, is not only peaceful, but it gives you huge psychological relief!

I have some mild side effects, dry mouth, increase in appetite and some dizziness, but I sleep like a baby even with raging T, so no insomnia issues.