Comments on Profile Post by joshlar

  1. Contrast
    CH or anything that blocks hearing with fluid can causes hearing loss, and hearing loss causes tinnitus.
    May 31, 2018
  2. Contrast
    Those audiograms have not been updated since the 1940's. they only test the the human voice range and tonal noises up to 8000hz. The majority of people with noticable hearing loss like myself can pass them.
    May 31, 2018
  3. joshlar
    i had a detailed audiogram from 0 to 12,5 kHz. I am pretty confident I have no hearing loss on low frequencies.

    Tinnitus doesn't bother me I just don't want CH......
    May 31, 2018
  4. Contrast
    How loud is your tinnitus? if you have tinnitus in cases other then neck jaw problems, you have some hearing loss even if super mild or caused by blockage like ear wax.
    May 31, 2018
  5. joshlar
    My tinnitus is very mild. I usually don't hear it unless complete silence.

    I went to an ENT I have no wax in my ear. My ear seems to pop like if I had ETD. And that is what my ENT told me at the first place.

    I also have jaw problems and my ear feels "numb". My Ent also suggested I could have TTTS due to anxiety...
    May 31, 2018
  6. joshlar
    Can we have cochlear hydrops without hearing loss or vertigo/balance issues ?
    May 31, 2018
  7. joshlar
    What bothers me most are my ears feeling full, especially my right ear, and a new droning mid/low pitch tinnitus that increases when I do valsava for example.
    May 31, 2018