Comments on Profile Post by Lisa Harrington

  1. Jen123
    Hi! Thanks for reaching out, I'm in Reading! I also went to MEE Tinnitus center (I saw Dr Grundfast) but he wasn't particularly helpful in finding me any additional support. He mostly told me to meditate and get some more massages, which I think is not totally off base, but isn't enough either. Who have you been hooked up with?
    Nov 3, 2019
    Lisa Harrington likes this.
  2. Jen123
    I am seeing an osteopathic dr who I think is helping me, but there are ups and downs with the treatment
    Nov 3, 2019
    Lisa Harrington likes this.
  3. Lisa Harrington
    Lisa Harrington
    How the heck do I direct message you? I just found this forum last night and can't figure out how to do PM's. I've become friends with the lady who runs their Tinnitus program and she has been directing my care --
    Nov 3, 2019
  4. Lisa Harrington
    Lisa Harrington
    my T is related to my forward head posture, pissed off neck muscles (I have neck pain), and TMJ/Bruxism. She hooked me up with a dentist at Tufts (who does a lot of work with their tinnitus patients and I've found some relief through wearing a night guard).
    Nov 3, 2019
  5. Lisa Harrington
    Lisa Harrington
    She is here:
    You'll want to get in with her private practice because Tufts feels like a chaotic environment. I need to dig up that contact, I'm switching from Tufts to her PP and have my first appointment there next weekend.
    Nov 3, 2019
  6. Lisa Harrington
    Lisa Harrington
    I'm also getting pressure point therapy through a therapeutic massage center in Waltham and this woman is seeing a ton of T patients out of MEE. She has like a 2-3 month wait list so if you have somatic T you should call them asap to get onto the list.
    Nov 3, 2019
  7. Lisa Harrington
    Lisa Harrington
    People are flying in from other parts of the country to see her. How can I send you my number? lol. Would love to chat more!
    Nov 3, 2019