Comments on Profile Post by HeavyMantra

  1. Steph1710
    Oh no! I've just been tested for COVID-19. Turns out I have pleurisy! Hope you're not too sick?? You don't have any underlying help conditions, do you? X
    Apr 27, 2020
  2. HeavyMantra
    Mild symptoms so far, no idea if it's covid but so far it fits the symptoms. I've definetly been exposed a lot due to my job so it was a matter of time

    I have a lot of undiagnosed chronic pain so I'm a bit worried that I do in fact have some unknown health condition, but I'll probably be fine
    Apr 28, 2020
  3. Steph1710
    @HeavyMantra I don't know you personally, but I don't want anyone to suffer, so please if you feel too sick, tell someone so they can keep an eye on you. Where do you work? X
    Apr 28, 2020
  4. HeavyMantra
    I panicked a bit at first, but symptoms are very mild. Swollen lymph nodes, joint pain, sore throat. Nothing to worry about so far. Thanks for your concern! @Steph1710
    Apr 29, 2020