Comments on Profile Post by Charburchar

  1. Bill Bauer
    Bill Bauer
    Do you think wearing earplugs when you visit the shops will prevent this from happening again?
    Nov 26, 2020
    Steph1710 likes this.
  2. Charburchar
    @Bill Bauer most probably, I just dislike wearing them because all I hear is the sound of my own footsteps & I find it disorienting
    Nov 26, 2020
  3. Steph1710
    @Charburchar, I know what you mean about hearing own footsteps, however, I always wear plugs to town/shops etc. To me, it's not worth the risk not to have them in. Hope your spike has faded by now?
    Nov 28, 2020
  4. Charburchar
    @Steph1710 You are right, its not worth the risk. I did wear my old on-ear headphones to the shop today (without music of course). I'll probably start doing that for local visits. It seems to have faded yes :) thankfully!
    Nov 28, 2020