Comments on Profile Post by Sydney13

  1. Ben Winders
    Ben Winders
    even in the darkest hour you have to believe that it will get better as it eventually does for most people.
    plus: we re in a very exciting time right now with Susan Shore, XEN, ... all these great potential products that can potentially make you suffer less. Please hold on and realise that you are strong, for being able to overcome and live with this, as this is no small feat. I dont know you but Im proud of you :)
    Jan 1, 2023
  2. Sydney13
    @Ben Winders thank you so much for your comment, makes me feel less alone when there are other people out there going thru this same battle! Appreciate you xx
    Jan 1, 2023
    Ben Winders likes this.
  3. Lorca
    Hey Sydney, I just wanted to tell you that this will get better with time, when I first experienced tinnitus and Hyperaracusis following my accident, it broke me like nothing else. I could barely walk on a busy street, wash dishes, drive my car without a panic attack. One year on and I’m back to business, only using earplugs sometimes at the cinema and at the rare music show.
    Jan 10, 2023
    Sydney13 likes this.
  4. Sydney13
    Thank you sooo much @Lorca for such a nice and thoughtful message. It truly means a lot and I’m so glad that after a year you’re feeling so much better. I’m only a few months in and it has been such a rollercoaster of emotions! What did you in the meantime to keep sane? Lol it’s been so hard to do anything!
    Jan 10, 2023
    LukeYoung likes this.