Comments on Profile Post by dpdx

  1. jjflyman
    That's exactly how mine acted. It would be lower in the mornings, and get louder as the day went on. It eventually got lower longer through the day. IMO this is huge news. I am 12 months farther in my recovery than you and about 80%+ better, so hang in there.
    Feb 9, 2018
  2. dpdx
    My T was mild and i could only hear it in quiet rooms. Now it is a high pitched dentist drill that i can hear over people's voices and the TV, my sound machine, etc. I got H in both ears as well after doing the caloric test and mild hearing loss.
    Feb 9, 2018
  3. jjflyman
    My H took about a year to go away. Did you have your hearing tested for loss?
    Feb 9, 2018
  4. dpdx
    In October it was normal, before caloric test normal, after caloric test its not. I also exposed myself to a blow dryer after getting haircut, electric razor for sideburns, and walked next to a car that was starting up (muffler). my T is quite intrusive, i would put it as high moderate
    Feb 9, 2018
  5. dpdx
    , it has been like this since this saturday, overall its not mild anymore. I quit my job because i cant focus anymore, i swear i hear less.
    Feb 9, 2018
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