Have you ever met a person that was so cool, calm and collected, that his/her passivity was a draw? The peace that saturated their personality was tangible. How they got there seemed pretty much congenital....given at birth. I once knew a priest like that. What peace. He seemed totally unbiased and unemotional, a cool cat.
But, when you think about it, don't we want to be passionate about our opinions, such as the causes we esteem and our sense of duty to speak out against injustice.. We like folks who can prove their point with intellect and passion.
I'm pretty passionate about a few things. I dislike abortion and drilling for oil off the coast, and agree strongly with term limits, gun rights, medical marijuana use, capital punishment and border patrol.
I don't know any people of the Islamic faith, so I don't personally have experience with that which is the best from that large multi-sect religious group. Sometimes I find myself doubting their is much good to be found when I have 9/11 and beheadings to add to my figuring.
So, what are you passionate about, other than, say, love making, which is differently directed, I'd say. It's the outside things I'm thinking about.
But, when you think about it, don't we want to be passionate about our opinions, such as the causes we esteem and our sense of duty to speak out against injustice.. We like folks who can prove their point with intellect and passion.
I'm pretty passionate about a few things. I dislike abortion and drilling for oil off the coast, and agree strongly with term limits, gun rights, medical marijuana use, capital punishment and border patrol.
I don't know any people of the Islamic faith, so I don't personally have experience with that which is the best from that large multi-sect religious group. Sometimes I find myself doubting their is much good to be found when I have 9/11 and beheadings to add to my figuring.
So, what are you passionate about, other than, say, love making, which is differently directed, I'd say. It's the outside things I'm thinking about.