Going Outside Triggers Extra Tinnitus and Distortion

Discussion in 'Support' started by monophaser, Jan 5, 2014.

    1. monophaser

      monophaser Member

      Hi TT,
      I live in scandinavia, so it's quite cold this time of year. When I go outside and walk around for a while, a new T sound starts in my ear. It's louder than my regular T. In addition to this i experience distortion from louder sound sources in my ear (cars driving by for instance) and my own voice resonates and distorts in this ear. It's quite uncomfortable. Also running triggers this big time. Usually it is like this for the rest of the day, and when I wake up the next day it's there reduced to like 20/30% I'd say.
      I don't know if it's my body movement or it's the cold weather, but it definitely has something to do with those factors. Also when I walk i here this extra, short high pitched "oink" just when my foot touches the ground.
      Any ideas what to do? I've seen to ENTs about this. One said he didn't know anything about it, the other said I might have tension in the muscles in the head/neck/jaw area that can cause this...
    2. peter1974

      peter1974 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi. I have same issue. Tinnitus is driven by sounds. Does the tinnitus go away if you sit in a quite space or wear ear protection? But gets worse when outside or listening to music?. If so you could have a perforated ear drum. Mine was undetected by 3 doctors. Was only noticed last time after he pumped air into my ear and felt a sensation in my eye (air leaking)...
    3. peter1974

      peter1974 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Avoid getting the ear wet and avoid the sauna a few days and see if the noise changes. Mine did....
    4. AUTHOR

      monophaser Member

      Hi Peter,
      Actually sound and music doesn't seem to make it worse. It's just when I either go outside or are active in a way which includes the 'bouncing' rhythm of running for instance. Riding the bike for instance, doesn't have that bouncyness running has, and it doesn't trigger it nearly as much the running does.

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