Hello — New Here But Not New to Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by talkingear, Aug 26, 2013.

    1. talkingear

      talkingear Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I've had ringing in my ears for many, many years. On the softer side but the past year or so it's been getting worse. Hard to relax at night to sleep but I manage. Have read a few posts about possible help. I've had more allergy problems the past 2 years (work outside in a park setting) and more tension. So am glad to find this sight and try a few things. Like cleaning up my insides, adding supplements, or whatever I can do. I have learned that putting cotton in my ears helps lessen noise (like when I use a sewing machine). I also am more sensitive to loud noises. I hear the ringing more when I am at home because it is quiet here.

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