Intermittent Buzzing / Static / Reactive Noise

Discussion in 'Support' started by Kayla L, Apr 28, 2017.

    1. Kayla L

      Kayla L Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      March 13, 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi I've been having intermittent "static/electrical" noise that comes and goes all day.. Seems to be really bad when I first wake up and progressively get a little better throughout the day. Then I go to bed it it restarts again the next morning. It seems to be triggered by noises like bottle crunching, typing on computer, mouse click... it's very bad right out of the shower or when I brush my teeth.. also when chewing/swallowing sometimes.

      I got tinnitus out of nowhere 2 years ago.. I've habituated to it and I barely hear/nor think about it anymore.. This intermittent buzzing noise started months after T started.. Lasted a few months then went away last Spring.. I barely had any symptoms from about May 2016 - March 2017... Now It's back worse than ever.. started off quiet in the beginning of this April and slowly got worse and worse. I think it has a lot to do with stress.. possibly allergies.. not sure. I need help.

      Please, if anyone is experiencing this and it's gone away, please let me know..
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