New Guy with Tinnitus for One Week Looking for Advice

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by cozy, Jun 17, 2013.

    1. cozy

      cozy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi, my name is Collin and i'm in my 30s. i had tinnitus mostly on my left side for about one week ago. It started at one mid night after i wake up from sleep for pee. There are few things i suspect that trigger my tinnitus.

      First, on that same night my tinnitus started before i sleep i experience a few seconds hearing loss following by tinnitus that lasted another few seconds at my left ear and then it's back to normal. This sometimes happens so i didn't bother about it and continue to do my work at computer.

      Then i went to sleep and at mid night i wake up for pee but i am not sure if i was actually awaken by some sound from a truck spraying anti mosquitoes. It was quite loud as some of my family members also awaken from their room. I stayed at 12th floor of my apartment and my windows were all close except the windows at toilet were left slightly open. I am not really sure if my tinnitus is trigger by this truck's sound or it was actually already started earlier.

      The other factor is that there are also some constructions work in front of my apartment started about 2 weeks ago which i can hear some noise from my apartment but again the sound was not terribly loud.

      I've had Allergic rhinitis since i am young and recently for few months i have had post nasal dipping for few months. Again not sure if this is the cause of my tinnitus. I also had acid reflux which i take PPI occasionally.

      At first i thought my tinnitus will go away after awhile but it didn't, i was worried and started to search online. Then i found an ENT specialist that has experience treating this problem and i went to see him today. He check my ears and my nose and found nothing bad. He didn't do any sound test though and only asked if my hearing is alright which i don't feel like i had hearing loss.

      He prescribed me Prednisolone 15 mg x 2 times a day for 3 days and taper off after than with 10mg x 2 times a days for another 3 days. He also gave me vitamin B Methycobal for 2 weeks.

      Has anyone around here has had success with Prednisolone with a recent onset of tinnitus?
      I am also considering Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as i read it is best to start asap but i do worry it could make my tinnitus worse. Again, would like to know if anyone here with recent tinnitus had good result with this?

      What else i should try asap?

      Nice to meet everyone here and thank you for reading. God bless us!
    2. Robert Fahey

      Robert Fahey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Jan, 2012
      I respect my ENT and neurologist for telling be bluntly that there's a million possible causes for T but no cure, and that there's no point in throwing prescriptions at it. Both suggested I treat the short-term anxiety instead, until I could adapt. I did so and never looked back. Not giving a shit about T is just as effective as not having it.
    3. AUTHOR

      cozy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Just reporting my progress, the first day i took prednisolone & vit B i cannot sleep and feel T is worsen. Second day i feel much better and notice my T has improved much at one point i didn't notice it. I'll just continue with the regime.
    4. Sven
      Not amused

      Sven Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music
      Glad to hear you're feeling better. It's been a few more days since your last post. Is it even better now?
    5. AUTHOR

      cozy Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      Hi Sven, my T has been fluctuating these few days. Yesterday it was so good i felt like it's really going to disappeared soon and then bam i wake up mid night today and had bad T :(

      It's my last day on prednisone today and i think since i took it my T has been swinging from bad to very good and vice versa. The first week i developed T it was pretty stable. So i'm not sure if prednisone has improved my situation or made it worse. Hopefully my condition will improve and stabilize after i off the meds.

      Thanks for your concern Sven, appreciate it :)
    6. Sven
      Not amused

      Sven Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music
      Since it's still quite new your chances for it going away are better. I can't quite understand how you got it in the first place, though.

      There is a thread on Hyperbaric oxygen therapy somewhere here, if you haven't already checked it out.

      Anytime, btw. We all know the feeling. :)

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