Quality and Intensity Versus Volume

Discussion in 'Support' started by VictorDedalus, Sep 12, 2018.

    1. VictorDedalus

      VictorDedalus Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Curious what others have observed regarding the volume of their tinnitus versus the quality or intensity of tones. I sometimes notice that the volume of the tone in my right ear - which bothers me far less than the left - is greater than the more obnoxious and troublesome tone in my left. Yet the left tone is of a greater intensity, a quality I cannot entirely attribute to its higher pitch. It just seems more "present in the mix," to use a sound engineer's parlance.

      Despite the fact that I perceive the left to be roughly double the degree of invasiveness and nuisance, this appears to be a function of its quality or intensity, not volume. I do get frequent spikes that are very distressing, but my left ear's baseline level seems qualitatively distinct and more oppressive for reasons unrelated to volume. I also perceive it to originate from my brain, unlike my right ear's tone, which makes sense since that's the region in which I had a tumor removed.

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