That's My Goal

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by InnerCityFunk, Jan 18, 2017.

    1. InnerCityFunk

      InnerCityFunk Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Either ototoxic drugs or the infection itself
      I don't have much too say, you know why I'm a new membre of this big community, je suis enchanté de tous vous rencontrer. (Nice to meet you all)
      I'm a student in psychology, 21 yo, living in Belgium.
      I have T and after reading a little bit, I am finding that these hypersound annoying me are actually H, I guess I'm having both, in a moderate level.

      I got that while being sick, I don't know if that's the sickness or the drug the ear doctor prescribed me that's triggered the first T event but I got it and suffered a lot in the beginning, I am very unused and quite stressed this year especially but in the end, I taught myself to cope with all of that, it got a little better, I can actually almost live like before. At the same time, I learned that I have an hyperthrophy of my left side sinuses, and since it is not dangerously big, I don't need to get under the butcher's knife for that, I'm not scared to do if it becomes the case.

      I can't really complain about having trouble sleeping, since I already had that before T and H. In a way, my condition made me improve my reactions to stressful events, and I am actually doing all I can to distract myself from these little demons in our ears. Yet just like any of you I will try to actually heal them, I need all my strength to acheive a few dreams and I'm not letting this get in the way.

      Anway, I came in this forum to get to know a little more my conditions, to set a few goals to try to improve my situation, even though what I've seen is making me doubt my ultimate goal, I will do it anyway. Since my doc didn't gave me much information besides "try to forget about it", I'd also take some time to read what works and what doesn't. I will try to create some sort of healing training to follow, to rehabilitate my earing. We will see this throughly, but the first intention I had coming here, was to be understood, I can finally mention it to someone without feeling like I'm being annoying about it, obviously they don't have it so they can't understand.

      Besides that, I would love to meet people and talk about this out of the constant T problem, I have many hobbies and read a few books on great reflexions, would love to talk about this.
      Cheers everyone, don't take life too seriously.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Yes, welcome to the forum and here we understand your struggle as most of us have gone through the same struggle initially. Do feel free to share and rant your feeling about T. We can take it and share your burden.

      I think hobbies are some of the best things to help the brain distract from T. When I go fishing and with a fish on the line, what T? Lol. At least we can get some breaks from T when we are fully engaged on something else other than zooming in on what T does any given moment. So enjoy your hobbies. You are on the right track. Take care. God bless.

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