Tone that may help you

Discussion in 'Support' started by jibs, Apr 17, 2013.

    1. jibs

      jibs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      long time ago
      So in light of me failing a defence force application because I have tinnitus. I got motivated to find a solution to get rid of it. I have had it for around 15 years or so and it is very mild. I can only notice it in absolute silence so it has never really bothered me. Anyway in my search, I have been doing a lot of work with tone therapy stuff, notch therapy etc. All of which have had zero results on RI so far T_T. But one thing I thought I should share is that, sometimes after testing a sequence my tinnitus can get worse. But every time I listen to this little mp3. It goes back to normal almost instantly.

      It goes along the theory of playing tones just above and below your tinnitus levels. However because I haven't been able to isolate my tone frequency. My attempts to recreate a more customized version for myself have failed.

      Attached Files:

    2. Paul D

      Paul D Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Fight an internal screechy sound with an external one, eh? I can't imagine using that trying to get to sleep or past a particularly long and pronounced high pitch T episode. Whatever works, I guess... I still haven't found a particular sound sequence that quiets things down when having a bad day or series of days.
    3. Lord of the Ring

      Lord of the Ring Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yikes! I would advise people to turnd down the volume of their speakers or headphones before they play your mp3.
    4. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I modified the allowed extensions for attachments; from now on .mp3 files can be attached to messages.

      I also added the .mp3 version of the file in the first message, instead of the .txt that had to be renamed.

      And thanks Lord of the Ring for the warning, it helped I had my system volume set pretty low.

      Didn't notice any immediate change in my tinnitus though.
    5. Lord of the Ring

      Lord of the Ring Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Neither did I.
      You know, I once read someone suggesting: put both your hands over your ears, fingers crossed on the back of your head, middle fingers overlapping. Now, drum with your index fingers on your middle fingers, rinse and do it again.
      Apparently, that did relief his tinnitus. Didn't do anything for me and I even felt stupid for trying.
      What works for you, doesn't necessarily work for someone else.
      Which doesn't mean I do not appreciate people sharing their findings and experiences, of course.
    6. Danny

      Danny Member Benefactor

      Near Toronto Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Interesting sound...I find Cicadas quite relaxing...after listen to that my T isn't any better or worse but I am looking at the sky at night....ET phone home...
    7. AUTHOR

      jibs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      long time ago
      Owell, I guess it doesn't help. It is so frustrating trying to find relief. Seems very rarely will the same solution work for two different people.
    8. Fish

      Fish Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2012
      I recognize this sound. It comes from one of those sound therapies. I don't remember which one was that exactly, neuromonics, maybe? It could be heard somewhere in the video article about this therapy.

      While this sound in particular doesn't work for me, I must say I actually used to listen to a tone matching my tinnitus at low volume and it appeared to temporarily suppress my T.
    9. AUTHOR

      jibs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      long time ago
      It is from the acoustic reset thing. I actually spent a couple of hours trying to re-create it. The concept was two tones higher and two lower in some what random sequences. So I wrote down all the orders. Looked at the spectrum to see the variance of the 4 tones (how far above and below the tinnitus freq). Then created sine tones that were approx the relative values closer to my tinnitus freq. Put them in the same order.

      But after all that work, it made it worse. A louder higher pitched ringing sound. But again the tone used at the start, reset it back to normal.

      Maybe I just failed to isolate my tinnitus freq. The audiologist said it is where you have the highest hearing loss, which for me is at 7.3khz. Where as the tinnitus frequency for the given mp3 is around 3800-4000.

      I just wish I could get something to work. Maybe it is too engrained having it for over 15 years.
    10. Paul D

      Paul D Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      An extremely large, acres-wide patch of chirping Cicadas, which I used to ride through in the Nevada high desert gathering cattle, is the closest I can come to describing that constant, high pitched sound in my head. Not many people have heard it at such high, unyielding intensity; used to drive me crazy! Do you have a recording of such? Maybe closely matching the tone in my head might offer some relief?
    11. AUTHOR

      jibs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      long time ago
      So yours is not a constant tone? What if you made a sequence of sine tones each at like 100ms so it lots of small beeps like chirps?
    12. mick

      mick Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks for this. I do find some mild relief in my T volume from listening from these tones. It is short lived, and maybe its a placebo effect, but welcome nonetheless.
    13. AUTHOR

      jibs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      long time ago
      If you get mild relief it might be the first signs of RI. The theory behind it, is that eventually the RI will last longer and longer, in addition to lowering the volume.

      Over the weekend I am going try and track down the study about acoustic reset and see if I can find a more definitive way at implementing it.
    14. MacZilla

      MacZilla Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I’ve been working in the audio and video area for the last 12 years and as my hearing and ringing got worse I had to stop editing movies, as I couldn’t hear the bad noises. What I did do over the last year was to find the sounds that made up the sounds of my noise in my ears I finally compiled the sounds and I played them recently to my wife. Several things to note she now knows the level of which the tones are and she asked me how can I live with that sound. The other is I thought that if I found the sound it would cancel out my hearing and I could find solace. Well I kind of did get it then the weirdest thing is it made my stomach a little queasy, now that I thought was odd.

      I am going to try the audio posted by ‘jibs’ and see what it does.
    15. mick

      mick Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      It would be interesting to hear your sounds. Can you post them here?
    16. AUTHOR

      jibs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      long time ago
      Here is the study on which the tone is based. However I can't find the calculation on how far above and below the tinnitus frequency the sine tones need to be. If you can figure it out, you can make your own acoustic reset mp3 and save yourself 5 grand.

      Attached Files:

    17. MacZilla

      MacZilla Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Here is a file of the sounds I hear there are several overlays making up the track this accounts for the overall pitches. As for the decibel range that is subjective to the volume to ones computer volume. Going by a basic Decibel Scale it would be around 60dbs and at times slightly louder at times. I do hope the file size is not to small.

      Attached Files:

    18. Danny

      Danny Member Benefactor

      Near Toronto Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello Paul I do go to and you will find one hour of cicadeas it's awesome been using it for 4 days now when my Tinnitus spikes and it actually helps me anyway:)
    19. Paul D

      Paul D Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks, Danny. fyi, the file link was a little hard to find...spelled ciRcadas several places on the blog page. The recording's a little different than I expected; the cicadas that used to drive me crazy screeched in the daytime during Spring, masking all other noise. This is more of a nightime symphony, with cacadas, crickets, and miscellaneous other critters. I definitely plan to try it out at night to sleep on bad days, hooking an MP3 player to an external speaker. Thanks again.
    20. Danny

      Danny Member Benefactor

      Near Toronto Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Yeah you know to each thier it's been a stress saver for first 3 days of the week, peace and quiet, I'm full bore at 10 today from the moment I woke up but I put the bugs in my ears and I'm having a rather pleasant day...You know the scoop ...what works for me may not really work for others, so we keep using our head and ears as guinuea pigs trying neww stuff...I've tried the purple noise also and that also helps, but I find with the bugs I can carry out a normal conversation and listen to the outside world quiet easily. Anyway good luck and keep searching.
    21. Danny

      Danny Member Benefactor

      Near Toronto Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Sorry pau..forgot to hit reply, but I've given small reply to you...
    22. MacZilla

      MacZilla Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      'Danny' Thank You for the link to the Blog, I'm enjoying the info and ideas as well.
    23. Danny

      Danny Member Benefactor

      Near Toronto Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Enjoy found some good the cicadas and purple noise

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