Nathaniel Teposo
Jan 29, 2014
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Manila, Philippine

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  • About

    Manila, Philippine
    Tinnitus Since:
    January 1, 2014
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Noise induced trauma
    2014 after the new years eve some idiot lit a firecracker near me and then it blasted in my right side that cause my right ear ringing which was so loud i could hear it even outdoor. been to doctors and specialist but they're no help at all.

    I spent months of isolation because of depression and anxiety of having this condition but after getting all the courage i need, i eventually make my self better and continue with my life until this ringing becomes mind and less bothersome.

    Pass forward after 8 years of habituation, i developed another ringing in my left ear and i suspect that the flu/cold for 3 days was the cause. now my left ear is much louder than the old ringing in my right ear and now im back to base zero. i feel depressed and anxious again but still, im putting myself together and still continue with my life but it's depressing that my good ear got f#cked. i never had covid19 because i live in a isolated place where less people and very far from urban society.

    but im still hoping this new T in my left ear with fade or subside like my old ear because it's so fiercely loud and annoying. Hope for the best for everyone in this community and i hope our modern world would have a solution (cure) for this condition whatever the causes of this hell.