Believin' Steven

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  • Did you ever go to ENT and get your hearing checked? I have extended high frequency hearing loss. Profound in right ear and mild in left. My head buzzes-static 24/7. Is yours in your ears or head. Head T is so bad it's debilitating.
    Header for my profile and a reminder to myself. No headphones. EVER. Don't risk it. Don't dwell on mistakes either, it's negative progress.
    Keep reading stories of more and more people losing hope and even themselves to this affliction. So hard to keep positive
    To be fair, the people who post online have it worse. The people who don't post online have it better, and they're too busy leading normal/almost-normal lives to have a pity party.
    "Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you no when the good times come. I'm waiting on the good times now" - Bob Ross
    I love Bob. The sad thing is, T makes appreciating this videos a bit difficult. But not forever.
    Believin' Steven
    Yeah I've been having a rough patch and using him to calm me down. I find it's much better if you paint along with him. Even in photoshop or something
    Good idea!
    Hey Steven, do you mind explaining how you got T? I read something about in-ear phones while you were asleep?
    Oh man sounds bad, sorry to hear. Did you use them at high volume?
    Believin' Steven
    Not exactly. When I slept they would be at the most 1 quarter of the potential volume. I also smoked and still do, trying to quit but T feeds stress and cigs help. So vicious cycle
    Believin' Steven
    Also recently I've been having a head pain/stomach pain and a burning sensation in my upper spine. Really want to check into hospital to run tests
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