Recent content by CeeCee

  1. C

    At a Crossroads Four Months In — Tinnitus from Stress, Noise or Medication (Mebendazole)

    Thank you. I want to believe there’s hope. I’m genuinely terrified of side effects - so much fear. Thank you for the reply. How is Quivivq going for you? Is it helping? Are there any side effects? I’ve had a horrible reaction to just one pill of Citalopram SSRI in the past, so I'm desperately...
  2. C

    At a Crossroads Four Months In — Tinnitus from Stress, Noise or Medication (Mebendazole)

    Hi, I’m new here. Please excuse any typos and be gentle. I’m struggling hard. I’ve had tinnitus since early January 2024 (so about four months). I’m still not sure of the cause; it could be stress-related, noise-related (I have a young daughter who does shout), or medication (Mebendazole)...