Recent content by Dansco8

  1. D

    are you able to just sit in your room and listen to music?

    are you able to just sit in your room and listen to music?
  2. D

    wow this is great news i wish you could go into even further detail for me. Youre one of the...

    wow this is great news i wish you could go into even further detail for me. Youre one of the only people whos H is exactly like mine. Ginger has been a major help and after isolating for the past year along with taking ginger the pain isnt what it used to be. I just dont know what my tolerance...
  3. D

    hi just wanted to know if youre able to go to restaurants at all and how your tolerance is at...

    hi just wanted to know if youre able to go to restaurants at all and how your tolerance is at the moment
  4. D

    I Have Kept Making My Hyperacusis Worse for Years — No More!

    Ya this whole tricking your mind that that sounds aren't hurtful doesn't make sense to me, because when I first got hyperacusis, resting my ears made the pain go away. The only reason why it's gotten so severe is because everytime it would go away I would go back to living my life like...
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    Still Alive and Doing Better! Hyperacusis and Pain Have Reduced by About 75%!

    Hi @Marin, I hope you’re still doing better than ever. Do you know what exactly the homeopath you went to gave you that helped?
  6. D

    What Role Do Heat and Cold Play on Your Pain Hyperacusis?

    I just want to gauge how temperature and heat affects everyone's pain hyperacusis since everyone seems to behave so differently. My pain hyperacusis reacts terribly to heat and favorably to cold. At its mildest just icing my ears gave me a lot of relief that almost made my symptoms go away...
  7. D

    Distortions: How Alcohol, Fluid in Ear, Neck and Shoulder Pain Play a Role

    Did you experience any hypercusis at all?