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Recent content by Ddrhl

  1. D

    Announcement Rounding Up 2021 with Some Good News

    I would like to know if there is a master list of reputable clinical trials by geographical location? I am in the Bay Area and would gladly volunteer. I nearly never have silence in my life (except for a few seconds with a tone generator) and would jump at the chance. Thanks
  2. D

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Having experimented with just playing a tone on http://generalfuzz.net/acrn/ and getting a few seconds of relief, I keep thinking there should be a way to just get ear buds that do that... countering the tinnitus in my head. Maybe this is as close as it gets. I hope the cost isn't...
  3. D

    Talking Tinnitus — a U.K. Expo in Birmingham on Saturday, 15th September, 2018

    Question: Is ANYONE using a transmitter in a hearing-aid-like device to transmit a tinnitus canceling frequency (frequencies) into the sufferer's ear(s)? I can get a few seconds peace with a crappy frequency projected from my computer, so I have to believe a targeted continual, perhaps...