Recent content by Ferret

  1. Ferret

    Update: Three Years Ago My Tinnitus Worsened and It Has Not Positively Changed Since Then

    Just "celebrated" my 5-year tinnitus spike anniversary :rockingbanana: Like you, I don't think there has been much noticeable change on a physical level from when I stupidly took my earplugs out and subjected my ears to a sonic onslaught while seeing one of my favorite bands. Since then, it has...
  2. Ferret

    Things Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Sufferers Can Look Forward to While Waiting for a “Treatment”

    It sucks. It's a daily struggle. I caused mine by being a drunk idiot and taking my earplugs out while seeing one of my favorite bands play, so now I got myself a permanent reminder of my own propensity for reckless substance use (and self-sabotage in general). 5+ years now, I severely miss...
  3. Ferret

    Tinnitus from a NYE Party — Extreme Anxiety & Depression

    You got this, bud. Treat yourself to some self-care and whenever the anxiety flares up, take a few deep breaths to remember that your life is so much bigger than some stupid noise, and you are stronger than you could ever realize when it comes to overcoming the sporadic jabs that life throws at...
  4. Ferret

    Poll: What Color Are Your Eyes?

    This might deserve its own separate thread, but as you all have been contemplating the potential affects of melanin on the resilience of the cochlea, I thought I'd contribute a pretty interesting tidbit that my partner, a registered nurse, discovered in one of her textbooks: Women and Health...
  5. Ferret

    Gay People with Tinnitus?

  6. Ferret

    Disco with Earplugs a Problem?

    @Christian82 Yes, by NAC I mean N-acetylcysteine, often called a "detox" supplement. I don't know if the iPhone app would be more sensitive or less sensitive, but the microphone on your phone is just not nearly as accurate as a scientific device like an SPL meter. I bought one to make sure my...
  7. Ferret

    Disco with Earplugs a Problem?

    Step 1: Take some NAC supplements if you have some, 1200mg taken as soon as possible might help your recovery if anything is damaged. However, at 91 dbs for 2.5 hrs you could be totally fine.. Still, NAC wouldn't hurt. If you don't have NAC, load up on anti-oxidants however you can get them in...
  8. Ferret

    Any Musicians Still Active Playing Music?

    Ironically, I've had a huge surge in creativity since getting T and I've been making more music now than I have in years. I'm OCD about the hearing protection, of course. But I'm currently working on a neofolk/rock solo project, playing bass in a melodic black metal band, and improv-jamming some...
  9. Ferret

    Harvard Researchers Restore Hair Cells With New Drug LY41175

    I'm okay with crude science, hehe. Crude science is what put humans on the moon, and also how we discovered the Higgs-Boson particle :)
  10. Ferret

    New Stem Cell Transplantation Method Restores Damaged Auditory Pathways

    I got a DPOAE test from my audiologist and it was... unimpressive. Sure enough, it indicated some loss of hair cell responsiveness in the higher frequencies where my T is, but it was wildly imprecise. Some of the readings indicated "negative" feedback (i.e. worse than zero responsiveness)...
  11. Ferret

    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    Hey all, just thought I'd check back in after spending a few weeks using CBD tincture (and also thank @Drecul for the recommendation!) I've been using a CBD-heavy tincture made with glycerin instead of alcohol, and one way or another, I do think it helps. How does it help? I'm not entirely...
  12. Ferret

    Tinnitus Textbook Devotes Chapter to Cannabinoids

    I got some CBD tincture with zero THC from a local shop (legal here in Washington state) and I think it just might be helping my T a tiny bit? But yeah, only in that it is calming and helps tame my monkey mind, hehe. I don't think any neurological healing is happening but for now I am enjoying...
  13. Ferret

    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    Hmm.. I'm also pretty skeptical about CBD being powerful curing agent. Don't get me wrong, I totally dig the stuff. For the past month or so, I have been regularly smoking some bud that is all CBD and no THC, and it is great for getting calm and feeling nice without all the wacky effects of...
  14. Ferret

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Now this is some interesting stuff which probably deserves its own pinned thread - for those of us with certain noise-induced hearing loss, what are the results of audiograms vs hair cell tests? I have normal threshold hearing (actually, even 5db better than average at some frequencies) for all...
  15. Ferret

    I Miss Being Normal

    I, too, went through hell during my first few months of wicked T. The only time I had been so depressed in my life was back in college in an abusive relationship. Been a long time gone since those dark days, but this time around I didn't forget to keep loving myself throughout all the struggle...