Recent content by JaydenTheSeagull

  1. JaydenTheSeagull


  2. JaydenTheSeagull

    Sudden Brief Unilateral Tapering Tinnitus (SBUTT)

    Oh, that makes sense, I've just realized it seems to occur more on days in which I've had some caffeinated drinks. I'll try going without them for a while and see what happens. Thank you very much! :)
  3. JaydenTheSeagull

    Sudden Brief Unilateral Tapering Tinnitus (SBUTT)

    Hi, Just curious, does anyone else experience frequent SBUTTs? I seem to get them maybe once a day as of late. I'm worried they might mean something worse is to come. Thanks! :)
  4. JaydenTheSeagull

    TMJ or Meniere's?

    Thank you for all of the reassuring replies. I'm booked for an ENT checkup soon. I'm hoping the T goes, but worst case scenario I'll just have to get used to it. :)
  5. JaydenTheSeagull

    TMJ or Meniere's?

    Hi, I suffer from SBUTT (Sudden Brief Unilateral Tapering Tinnitus). I sometimes get SBUTT a few times a week, sometimes not at all for weeks and sometimes not at all for years. I suffer from TMJ, and ever since I had a rather awful TMJ attack in which I yawned a bit too wide, my ears tend to...
  6. JaydenTheSeagull

    A Thumping Sound in My Right Ear?

    I actually ended up solving the problem by myself. I started doing neck stretches and massages daily, and it eventually just made it go away. Good luck with your thumping.
  7. JaydenTheSeagull

    A Thumping Sound in My Right Ear?

    Howdy everyone, I'm relatively new to these forums, didn't even know they existed till I started looking around for help on a certain problem I'm having. Just a little backstory, I've had 'normal' tinnitus ever since I was 10 years old, after a plane flight. Essentially I went deaf on the plane...