Recent content by kenji

  1. kenji

    New born Tinnitus is going crazy in my head! Can I kill it while it's young??? Please help!

    I'm patiently waiting ,I'm surprised the pharmaceutical companies havnt tried to make big bucks on tinnitus cure or whatever you want to call it ...theres a a lot of money to be made for the first one who can make that magic pill
  2. kenji

    Sigmoid Sinus Diverticulum: A New Surgical Approach to the Correction of Pulsatile Tinnitus

    i heard over and over surgery for tinnitus doesn't work
  3. kenji

    ENT Says Live With It, Then What Did You Do?

    at least you'll start getting relief with the meds until you find your center again , ARENT ALL ENT THE DAMN SAME ...
  4. kenji

    Hyperacusis on 20/20 TV In US

    exploiting people suffering ...the usual prime time news , hey at least I'm not that bad ...knock on wood
  5. kenji

    Hyperacusis on 20/20 TV In US

    did they mention any cure in the near future
  6. kenji

    Post Your Favorite Songs

  7. kenji

    ENT Says Live With It, Then What Did You Do?

    GRRRR ... a chronic medical condition ?...theres always herbs and meds to kill the noise ...and when i mean kill it ...kill it
  8. kenji

    Loudness Discomfort Level Test for Hyperacusis - Will It Affect My Tinnitus?

    heres how lithium may help ... Indications and Usage for Lithium Lithium is indicated in the treatment of manic episodes of Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorder, Manic (DSM-III) is equivalent to Manic Depressive illness, Manic, in the older DSM-II terminology. Lithium is also indicated as a...
  9. kenji

    Is Hearing Loss-Induced Tinnitus Stable or Can It Fluctuate?

    lets hope they can a cure or find an extreme lower the levels
  10. kenji

    Loudness Discomfort Level Test for Hyperacusis - Will It Affect My Tinnitus?

    use caution when going to or using loud things
  11. kenji

    Hi, New Here and Suffering from Tinnitus

    i get it from my psych dr. i had initial blood test done for toxicity ....I'm on 2 300mg a day it takes the edge off for me
  12. kenji

    glad to find this site.

    remember miket theres millions of people dealing with the same symptoms ,if you look out your window your neighbors or close relatives may be dealing with it too .
  13. kenji

    MRI Results

    nerves do heal and so does your brain chemistry
  14. kenji

    MRI Results

    ENT usually say you damaged your ears , though the correct term is you hurt your ears they take a lot of time to heal , I'm from sacramento california ...