Recent content by Luke

  1. Luke

    My Perspective on 3 Years of Tinnitus

    Hi @Jkph75 watching TV doesn't bother me because the high-pitched electric sound that accompanies it sounds a lot like my T. So I look at the TV as the source of that "noise" and it's kind of a mask for me. Radio static is also comforting (my car passengers hardly ever agree haha). Oddly...
  2. Luke

    My Perspective on 3 Years of Tinnitus

    @Lorac I'm sure you're right, that most people see sufficient improvement after a few years but don't come back to TinnitusTalk to report it because they're ready to move on with their lives. I was almost one of those people, but I'll occasionally remember how much I needed this group during my...
  3. Luke

    My Perspective on 3 Years of Tinnitus

    I don't know how to perfectly describe my journey. It all feels so subjective but I wanted to share a story of improvement and hope. Ten days after trying out my friend's handgun without earmuffs my T started up and was unbearable. It was on my mind 24/7, and I was surprised that my friends...
  4. Luke

    Tinnitus, TMJ, Headaches, Neck Pain, Facial Pain, etc. — Possible Treatment

    I just wanted to chime in and say great posts - a lot of good info being shared as we try to figure this out! Also, I imagine none of us have tried using an inversion table? Inversion tables are meant for relieving back pain - but because it also serves to stretch out your spine in the...
  5. Luke

    Tinnitus, TMJ, Headaches, Neck Pain, Facial Pain, etc. — Possible Treatment

    Also, this video is useful for figuring out whether or not "trigger points" are contributing to your tinnitus:
  6. Luke

    Tinnitus, TMJ, Headaches, Neck Pain, Facial Pain, etc. — Possible Treatment

    Hi all. I posted a few months ago with my experience with the TruDenta treatment. There was definite improvement in the frequency and loudness of my jaw popping, but little to no affect on my tinnitus. While I've dabbled in other treatments since then, I haven't given up on TMJ therapy being...
  7. Luke

    How I Won Against Tinnitus

    Grataluje ci ryba! Cheers from a Polish American who's very happy to see your success story! No go drink some zubrowka! ;)
  8. Luke

    I Decided to Start Going Out Again

    (as in a different kind of ear plugs I mean!)
  9. Luke

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    I've been meaning to share after coming across this "Marais La Nuit" Neko Case song. It's basically 30 minutes of crickets.. what more could you ask for in a song/track! ;) Haha, just sharing in case anyone finds this pleasant too:
  10. Luke

    I Decided to Start Going Out Again

    Thank you MikeA and Stina! I was satisfied enough to see them on the american tinnitus association website's store, so I'm glad you brought the question of the lower NRR to my attention. Will definitely be purchasing a new pair!
  11. Luke

    I Decided to Start Going Out Again

    Just wanted to share a pair of ear plugs I discovered on the american tinnitus association website store. I decided to purchase this particular pair after seeing that the reviews are great. I've used the same pair of these ear plugs for the past 4 months, almost 5 days a week and up...
  12. Luke

    Too Loud to Sleep — Anyone Have Tinnitus Caused by TMJ?

    I had my TMJ successfully treated using TruDenta, but my T did not change in volume unfortunately. I still think there's a chance that my T was caused by TMJ, as my TMJ symptoms were at their peak when my T began. I've decided to go to a myofascial therapy practice in a couple weeks, and will...
  13. Luke

    Why Won't I Habituate?

    Best advice I have from my own experience is do what it takes to get the sleep you need - talk to your doctor if you need help with that. That's the only thing that's helped me in regards to having the most positive attitude possible and with slightly lowering the volume of my T (or my...
  14. Luke

    What now?

    I found this link to be helpful: Strategies to Protect and Preserve Your Hearing - 2 - Life Extension While I can't help but to keep experimenting with supplements to figure out my tinnitus better, I agree with Luca that keeping busy with what you enjoy is the best remedy so far - that and...
  15. Luke

    SoundCure Serenade Tinnitus Treatment System

    Thanks everyone for your input on this study! I'm considering SoundCure myself, and contacted Dr. Zeng, who implemented the study that led to SoundCure, by email. I first learned about SoundCure after finding the ATA article that Steve posted above. After contacting Dr. Zeng to ask for...