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Recent content by Mam1526

  1. Mam1526

    Bad Day

    Thanks LadyDi, I guess I should not forget about my good days. It is progress!
  2. Mam1526

    Bad Day

    Thanks for responding Kathi I do use masking if I can't fall asleep. White noise seems to work. I listen to nature music during the day for partially masking my T. Thank god for iPhones. I'm trying to habituate myself . Just trying to stay positive about it but having a bad day takes the wind...
  3. Mam1526

    Bad Day

    Thanks Teri. Tomorrow will be a better day! I keep saying to myself this will get better.
  4. Mam1526

    Bad Day

    Thanks billie48. I just read your story and feel there is hope for us!
  5. Mam1526

    Bad Day

    Thanks washashore. It is a nice day here in new england. Looking forward to tomorrow for a better day!
  6. Mam1526

    Bad Day

    I'm in my 4 the week of tinnitus in my left ear. I am having a bad day. I have such a headache. I am filled with anxiety. My emotions are high. I just had a few good days so I'm not sure why. Doing everything I can to relax. I wish this would stop.
  7. Mam1526

    One day at a time

    One day at a time
  8. Mam1526

    Habituation Noises

    That's interesting LadyDi. I actually have another question. If you only have T in one ear should you still wear both ear buds?
  9. Mam1526

    Habituation Noises

    Hello all I have a question on habituation. Does it make any difference whether you use white noise or nature sounds when you are trying to train your brain. Will you get there quicker using one or the other. Thanks mark
  10. Mam1526

    Train my Brain

    Thank you ladyDi. I am finding myself getting way to caught up. I will try these apps.
  11. Mam1526

    Train my Brain

    Thanks. I will take that offer.
  12. Mam1526

    Train my Brain

    Thanks. I will take that offer up. I live on the north shore!
  13. Mam1526

    Train my Brain

    Hello All This site is filled with great information. I lived online now since I got T. It is so overwhelming. I really want to get a handle on this condition. Unfortunately I can't afford the TRT from a clinic around here. I read that a lot of you good people hibituated your selfs to some...
  14. Mam1526

    Hello Everyone

    Does your body eventually habituate to tinnitus? What do most people do when the initial onset of T comes on. I know I can mask it but it feels like I'm wasting time.
  15. Mam1526

    Hello Everyone

    Hello all My name is mark. I am a 55 year old male in good shape. I have had T in my left ear for a week now. I believe it was from a previous job years ago and finally caught up to me. It just appeared out of the blue. I went to a ENT specialist. He did the usual exam. Looked in both ears. I...