Separate names with a comma.
Hi Dave, I needed to read this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. A huge hug to you!
I have several piercing high pitch sounds that actually hurt my ears. I can hear it as well as physically sense it, if that makes sense? Along...
Oh my goodness. I will share this great advice. Glad you are better. Thanks again and warm regards to you!
Hi Mary, thank you so much for responding. I am glad to know you are doing better. Very big scare with the heart attack. Same here, it’s a huge...
Dear Vicki, your words exactly describe my experience with this. My heart goes out to all of us.
Hi Marbou, how are you doing? I’m suffering from tinnitus, occipital neuralgia and tmj disorder. My worst is the tinnitus. I keep wondering if...
Yes I am constantly exhausted mentally and physically with extreme headaches. Neck pain and the strangest symptoms. I slept great before this. I...
Wow this is wonderful news and very inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing! May you continue to experience silence. My wish is for all of...
Thank you.
Dr. Ancill, with all due respect, please can you describe the tinnitus sound or sounds you hear? Personally I hear extremely piercing...
Thank you Michael, I have read all your advice and I am grateful for that.
I’m not a creative writer by profession however for business I had to write letters, do public presentations, etc... I noticed that I did a long...
Very true. This condition has been life changing and the hardest thing is that no one I know has any clue of the suffering. Surrounded by people...
Greetings @Markku and everyone. This fundraiser needs global awareness perhaps from celebrities that have opened up about this drastically life...