Recent content by Mary d

  1. Mary d

    Since then I am sure my tinnitis has got worse, anyone else had this ? I am sure it is louder...

    Since then I am sure my tinnitis has got worse, anyone else had this ? I am sure it is louder...
  2. Mary d

    Had my MRI scan last week 11th December horrible to sy the least, however I survived.

    Had my MRI scan last week 11th December horrible to sy the least, however I survived.
  3. Mary d

    From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    Can anyone tell me what a TMJsplint is??
  4. Mary d

    Hello All

    That's me had Tinnitus in both ears since June. I annoyed the life out of my doctors after getting three courses of antibiotics, to no avail. Eventually last week I seen an ENT man who was useless. Waste of time. He just looked at me emotionless then announced the was no magic cure. I knew this...
  5. Mary d

    Tinnitus Help Please, It Started 3 to 4 Weeks Ago

    I've had tinnitus for about 4 weeks now, started with a sticky left ear when I spelt on it, eventually got ear wax out but no better, ringing all the time. Never had this before although I had been noticing hearing loss for a long while at work. I am feeling very down and some days it's so...
  6. Mary d

    Tinnitus Help Please, It Started 3 to 4 Weeks Ago

    Thanks is it me or does anyone else feel that docs either have no clue Or don't care much had a relapse at weekend after using otomize spray tinnitus horrendous so bad I had to knock myself out with pills to get relief ANOTHER EMERGENCY DOC who actually gave me a thorough examination and...
  7. Mary d

    Tinnitus Help Please, It Started 3 to 4 Weeks Ago

    I got tinnitus in both ears starting about 3 to 4 weeks ago, some days it's not too bad but other days it's deafening me with a high pitched squeal. I got an ear infection and has bad earwax. I had the earwax removed but it hasn't helped I've also has 2 courses of antibiotics which haven't...