Recent content by Nate-H

  1. Nate-H

    Hey Everyone. A Little Advice Would Be Greatly Appreciated.

    @Contrast Sounds like you're doing a great thing! But I'm still missing what was funny about my comment... I was simply trying to give words of comfort to someone, because I know that words of comfort helped me. I don't find anything funny about it, with that being said to each their own.
  2. Nate-H

    Hey Everyone. A Little Advice Would Be Greatly Appreciated.

    @Contrast I'm sorry, but I'm curious why you found my post funny!
  3. Nate-H

    Hey Everyone. A Little Advice Would Be Greatly Appreciated.

    @TheSpectreMonk Don't let tinnitus run your life. Stay off of google and when you want to get to googling come here. I made the same mistake as you initially, and even though I still suffer from tinnitus I have found true peace here on these forums. Also if you aren't satisfied with the answers...
  4. Nate-H

    A Nervous Pulsatile Tinnitus Newbie

    @Greg Sacramento I did see the message but I couldn't find a option to reply to it, except on this thread. Thank you for the tips and I most certainly will keep you updated with my new journey.
  5. Nate-H

    A Nervous Pulsatile Tinnitus Newbie

    @Greg Sacramento Once again thank you very much, you have given my mind great relief and you have given much light to what path I need to follow. I would have never made the connection between the neck/ jaw/PT. Now that the three have tied together things make a great deal of sense.
  6. Nate-H

    A Nervous Pulsatile Tinnitus Newbie

    @Greg Sacramento Thank you so much for your response, after reading I want to inform you when I was 20 I was involved in a serious car accident that left my jaw on the right side in the doctors words "shattered" I was under the care of a maxillofacial surgeon who also said surgery was not a...
  7. Nate-H

    A Nervous Pulsatile Tinnitus Newbie

    Around the beginning of this year is when I first noticed what I believe is pulsatile tinnitus. I have a high pitched ringing sound (not the whooshing and swooshing, or dishwasher sound some identify) in my left ear (sometimes both ears) that is consistent with my pulse. It started out only at...