Recent content by scottybee

  1. S

    Delayed Onset of Tinnitus a Few Days After a Friend Shot a Rifle 10 Feet from Me

    Can I be confident that it’s not some sort of acoustic neuroma or something else? Bit of a hypochondriac over here...
  2. S

    Delayed Onset of Tinnitus a Few Days After a Friend Shot a Rifle 10 Feet from Me

    So it is considered normal to have no symptoms for a few days and then all of a sudden there is hearing damage and ringing?
  3. S

    Delayed Onset of Tinnitus a Few Days After a Friend Shot a Rifle 10 Feet from Me

    I was camping with some friends a few weeks ago and one of them was sighting in a rifle. He fired one shot approximately 10 feet from me. I had no ear protection on and was unprepared. My ears rang for a minute or so and then it went away. Fast forward a few days later, I woke up with a muffled...