Thanks for sharing your story! If you can hear your tinnitus all day, wouldn't that mean that you haven't habituated? You said you worked with an audiologist, for them habituation means no emotional reaction to when you hear the noise? What if it interferes with your concentration?
This is something that should go away, I don't think it's something commonly reported here. Try not to trigger it until it goes away. Have you identified what caused your spike?
Consider getting the remote work from your employer, you might find that your days are more bearable with whatever distraction provided by your job. Do you have any national parks close to you? These should at least help with anxiety.
My tinnitus started in 2016, about one hour after having a headache. It came with a lot of ear pain/fullness, on and off. No hearing loss, only a notch of up to 20 dB in 4 kHz in one ear. The ENT doctor I saw performed microsuction (very loud but I don't think it damaged me) in one ear, and 2...