This is exactly how my T started.
and this is exactly the same for me. But my T is in my right ear only, the same side that I can reflex the muscle.
how is your T now? @Nav J
@Celina Of course I am fully aware of it. But just like nasal rinse/neti-pot, which has significantly helped/reduced some people's T (took me a long time to finally decide to give it a try, and it helped me to reduce my T), please see...
@Ramòn My tinnitus is only one tone, like the endless piiiiiii. How about your tinnitus?
Also, is there anything wrong with your nose/sinus? My tinnitus started after I caught a cold, and my Eustachian tubes were swollen. I developed nonallergic rhinitis at the time my tinnitus came, so I...
@Contrast Don’t be so ignorant, I explained it already. Now I completely understand why so many people on this forum ignore you. For your information, of course I know AudiSpray is an ear hygiene product, I tried AudiSpray first to remove wax in my ear, not to reduce T. Then I realised that when...
@Ramòn For the crackling/clicking sounds when swallowing, I also suspected Tonic tensor tympani syndrome at first, but since using a Neti-pot got rid of them all, I guess they are more related to Eustachian tube dysfunction you said, in tinnitus, you never know..
@Poseidon65 Also, I noticed that several people on this forum can make their tinnitus disappear temporarily when having their tinnitus ear/s full of liquid/oil so that their ear drums are submerged (again, myself included). Does this also work for you? Has this got something to do with pressure...
@Ramòn 3 years already?! I guess my tinnitus won’t just resolve on its own then. I noticed that the cause of your tinnitus is “unknown”, I wonder if you also had crackling/clicking sounds in your ear? I have recently tried the Neti-Pot which lowered my tinnitus significantly and got rid of the...
Same for me and for other people on this forum, such as @Marton and @JayM. I suspect this is an indication for ETD related tinnitus.
I just started a poll for this, please see:
Poll: Does Valsalva Maneuver Make Your Tinnitus Disappear Temporarily?
I noticed that several people on Tinnitus Talk can make their tinnitus disappear temporarily when they do the Valsalva manoeuvre (myself included). I wonder is this a sign only for sinus/ETD related tinnitus? As this could perhaps change the pressure in the ear which was causing the tinnitus...