Comments on Profile Post by ASilverLight

  1. aot
    This needs to be discussed more. Some people like being anti social recluses. That's fine, but it's not for me.
    Jul 4, 2020
    LilSass, Joe C, Steph1710 and 2 others like this.
  2. Julien87
    Right, I often think the same thing. Most people have no idea what it's like to live with this sword of Damocles.
    Jul 4, 2020
    LilSass, Steph1710, Kriszti and 2 others like this.
  3. aot
    "You'll be fine. Now, all you have to do is live in constant fear of all noises, avoid all social engagements while also suffering crippiling lonliness, and spend hours checking if every med you take is ototoxic or not, and conted with doctors who don't care or understand. Simple."
    Jul 4, 2020
    LilSass, Joe C, Kriszti and 3 others like this.
  4. TheDanishGirl
    WORD! Especially if one has hyperacusis also. It does change your life.......DRASTICALLY! There is no getting around it. There are so many things I cant do anymore.
    Jul 4, 2020
    LilSass, Julien87, Steph1710 and 2 others like this.
  5. ASilverLight
    @aot @Julien87 pretty much. Not having silence is horrible but it's the fear of worsening and being unable to cope with normal, every day things that really gets to me. I'm in my 20s and my tinnitus isn't even mild. We also need to talk about other symptoms that come with tinnitus and the fact that a lot of people have more tones and no stability. It's so frustrating to see it dismissed so easily.
    Jul 4, 2020
    acute, LilSass, Joe C and 3 others like this.
  6. TheDanishGirl
    Plus the visual consequences are also very overlooked. Tinnitus wrecks havoc on other areas to: Visual snow, floaters, afterimages ect. People dont get this, and think it's just a psycological problem. Im 100% sure there is a connection and have no doubt that at some point in the future we all will be wiser on this and researchers will determinate the effect of tinnitus on a lot of other areas in the brain.
    Jul 4, 2020
    acute, DaveyJones, LilSass and 5 others like this.
  7. Kriszti
    "You have to start living; if you win over your fear of sounds, you will get better; it's all in your head; just get some fun, enjoy a movie; what do you mean by never going to a concert, wedding? Even when you are healed?; think positive, have some faith;" Thing said with good intentions, but just fork the knife in my heart. But I know, we have "adjustment disorder."
    Jul 4, 2020
    LilSass, ASilverLight and Steph1710 like this.
  8. ASilverLight
    @TheDanishGirl I had super mild VSS for at least 10 years before getting tinnitus. It has gotten a bit worse since getting T though. Definitely must be a connection since combined suffering is so common
    Jul 4, 2020
    LilSass, aot and TheDanishGirl like this.
  9. Steph1710
    *Clap Clap Clap*

    Everyone on this thread has perfectly summed up our "condition".

    People just don't get it! I can't even enjoy meal times because plates, glass, cutlery is all TOO much!!!

    The amount of ear protection I'm using right now just to use a drill is ridiculous. Every thing we now do, T has to be considered first.
    Jul 4, 2020
    LilSass, Joe C, aot and 2 others like this.
  10. ASilverLight
    I'm lucky that I have no hyperacusis (as far as I'm aware, there's always been noises I found uncomfortable even when i was 6 years old). But multiple tones and fluctuating tinnitus makes you really scared of anything making it worse.
    Jul 4, 2020
    tbuzz89, LilSass, Joe C and 2 others like this.