Comments on Profile Post by asey20

  1. Kriszti
    Totally unpredictable, but for the majority it DOES get better. I still haven't figured out sleeping, so I 100% can relate. Sleep deprivation makes tinnitus even harder. You are early in, you have every chance to improve.
    Jul 29, 2020
    Steph1710 likes this.
  2. Watasha
    It gets better for almost everyone, but you need some sleep now and I'd recommend finding ways to improve sleep naturally first. Get up same time everyday, avoid caffeine, nicotine, get sunlight during morning and day, avoid artificial light when sun goes down, etc. If that fails, you may need medicine but STAY AWAY from benzos.
    Jul 29, 2020
    Bill Bauer and Steph1710 like this.
  3. asey20
    I'm just becoming so depressed.
    Jul 29, 2020
  4. Watasha
    Many have been there. As hard as it sounds, try to go on with your life as normal as possible (while reasonably protecting your ears). Try the Henry and Wilson book online as well. Just keep pushing forward, you'll be surprised. Many wake up one day and poof, they're like wow I feel a lot better. Also keep some perspective, if it's maskable, you're very fortunate believe it or not.
    Jul 29, 2020
  5. Sironketchup
    I had to take medication form sleep the first 1,5 years. Don't feel ashamed.
    Jul 29, 2020
    asey20 likes this.
  6. Bill Bauer
    Bill Bauer
    There is a good chance that eventually you will feel better. If you notice fading 1-2 months after the onset, it ought to continue to fade. It can take 1-3 years to get to the "can hear it only in quiet rooms" stage. The first 6 months are the worst.
    Jul 29, 2020
    asey20 likes this.
  7. Bill Bauer
    Bill Bauer
    I see that you have already experienced some quiet episodes. This is a great sign. When it stays relentlessly at the same level - that's when there is a chance that it will never fade. You will most likely get your life back. Ears take forever to heal, so it can take a few months or even a year.
    Jul 29, 2020
    asey20 likes this.
  8. asey20
    @Bill Bauer Thank you for giving me hope. The right ear is just annoying because there is this constant static sound and feeling. I don't know if this is a good sign though. Everything is quieter in the mornings but rises with anxiety or in the evening. I can even plug my fingers in the morning and its barely audible. However, evenings can be so loud. It's exhausting.
    Jul 30, 2020
  9. asey20
    I took half a lorazepam and I'm gonna try to sleep since I barely slept last night. I need to catch up on sleep. Today has been a rough day. I think if I can get my anxiety in check I should be able to deal with this cause I've pretty much reached a chronic level of anxiety and stress these last 2 months. My life is bad right now but I'm trying to get help.
    Jul 30, 2020
  10. Bill Bauer
    Bill Bauer
    >The right ear is just annoying because there is this constant static sound and feeling.

    Static/hiss is closer to healing than a high pitch sound.

    >Everything is quieter in the mornings

    This is an encouraging sign. It means it Can get quiet. Don't worry about the setbacks. The important thing is that eventually you can expect to heal.
    Jul 30, 2020
    asey20 likes this.
  11. Bill Bauer
    Bill Bauer
    >I barely slept last night

    This is a normal reaction during the first few months. Make sure to try masking. Playing nature sounds gives you something else to listen to besides your T.
    Jul 30, 2020
  12. Bill Bauer
    Bill Bauer
    You will want to make sure that you don't hurt your ears during this period of vulnerability as your body is healing. You will want to avoid taking ototoxic drugs, avoid microsuction or syringing (performed when you need to clean wax out of your ears; a manual tool should be used), and not let your dental hygienist use an ultrasonic scaling tool on you (a manual tool should be used). For more details, see
    Jul 30, 2020
    asey20 likes this.
  13. Bill Bauer