Comments on Profile Post by Sayeed

  1. Vassili
    I also have it but mine got much better with time. Hold on.
    Apr 27, 2021
  2. Sayeed
    Thank you. Fingers crossed. Appreciate the support
    Apr 27, 2021
  3. Sayeed
    Hey vassili, how long did your visual snow last? I'm wondering if it's associated with the medicine I'm taking or the meds might be helping it. I'm lost. Dealing with tinnitus and visual snow sucks. Most docs don't seem to care. I'm very sensitive to light. I see post images after I look at them..etc
    Apr 28, 2021
  4. Vassili
    Hey, @Sayeed! Well, after 1,5 years I still have it, but in a mild form and it comes and goes. Some days are better, some worse. I also had sensitivity to light for at least first 6 months. Now I don't have it. My health problems are noise-induced so I can't really tell you what's causing your condition.
    Apr 28, 2021
  5. Sayeed
    I understand thank you. Hoping and praying this is just a side effect of gabapentin or anxiety
    Apr 28, 2021
    Vassili likes this.
  6. Vassili
    Lots of people here said that time was their main healer. It means that with time our body and brain will sort things out on their own. The question is how long will it take and will it be a full recovery. Nerves take tremendous amount of time to recover.
    Apr 28, 2021
    ALS and Keith Handy like this.