Comments on Profile Post by FGG

  1. Guywithapug
    Is it not possible to turn it on at the lowest possible volume?
    May 9, 2021
  2. FGG
    @Guywithapug . it's not that. My hearing is ruined. I can't hear base or drums and what I do hear is wildly distorted. Music is just gone. I will grieve the rest of my life for it.
    May 9, 2021
    aot likes this.
  3. Guywithapug
    Oh I see, I wasn't sure of the specifics of your hearing condition. Do hearing aids have any positive impact?
    May 10, 2021
    MadeleineHope likes this.
  4. FGG
    @Guywithapug , hearing aids have zero impact unfortunately. My damage is only OHC above about 10000hz, below it's a combination stria vascularis damage, IHC and possibly central damage, too. The only "music" that sounds remotely normal is wind chimes one note at a time.
    May 10, 2021
  5. Guywithapug
    Sorry to hear that, sounds absolutely terrible to endure.
    May 10, 2021