Comments on Profile Post by Jerad

  1. DimLeb
    I think that overexcitability in the nervous system can present itself in many ways, since there is abnormal electrical activity. I, for example, experience "TTTS" spasms to some sounds, which at this point, I'm concluding they are much deeper than just the muscles, so maybe it's the nervous system itself that reacts (a degree of hyperacusis maybe).
    Apr 16, 2022
    Jerad likes this.
  2. DimLeb
    Just how one can feel tingling, pain, needles etc on the same spot of skin for example, similarly the auditory nerves can produce different kinds of feelings that reach consciousness. Just my opinion!
    Apr 16, 2022
    Jerad likes this.
  3. Tweedleman
    I've had that exact feeling. Kinda like areas of my head and neck felt swollen and deaf to sound. I percieve the tinnitus as coming from those areas, too. It's gotten loads better but very slowly. I'm planning on a massage/chiropractor but have had great success on my own just putting pressure on those areas.
    Apr 16, 2022
    Jerad and Steph1710 like this.
  4. Stacken77
    Sometimes the tones in my left ear is so loud and intrusive that i "feel" the sound, as if there were actual sound waves blasting into my ear. I think it's the nervous system on high alert.
    Apr 16, 2022
    Jerad likes this.
  5. Jerad
    The pain aspect is unconscionable. It’s so f’d up that the brain can turn on you in such a way; essentially, torturing itself endlessly. Like, how am I supposed to be OK with this & carry on? Feeling a vibration or something would be annoying, but not painful; the stuff I’m getting is actual pain. I feel like a happy life is over if it doesn’t change. @Stacken77 @DimLeb @Tweedleman thx for the replies.
    Apr 16, 2022
  6. Jerad
    I get what feels like electrical discharges zapping me, like electricity shocking me; very high frequency & painful. I also get a steam escaping through a pipe type sound that feels like that, too, like it’s just blowing through ferociously. All random and intermittent.
    Apr 16, 2022
  7. Tweedleman
    @Jerad ahhh shite, I'm sorry man, didn't realize you were suffering from both T and pain H. That sounds like hell :( Hopefully there's some kind of underlying physical issue that can be remedied causing this. I know it's apples and oranges, but that was the case for me, and I was stubbornly convinced I had irreversible cochlear/nerve damage for like a year.
    Apr 17, 2022
    Jerad likes this.
  8. Jerad
    @Tweedleman thanks for reaching out. Ya, it’s hell, for sure. How did u improve? Did u take a supplement, med, or do a therapy? I have intrusive t and loudness h. No pain h, but the intrusive t causes pain sensations.
    Apr 17, 2022
  9. sakrt
    This strongly indicates a form of reactive neuralgia;Sphenopalatine Ganglion Neuralgia, worsened by tension and inflammation. Try Holy Basil Tulsi tea, Spearmint tea and check out Blackseed oil and/or Oregano oil (Takes time to work). Icepacks to back of head/mastoid areas. Deep breathing. -important-
    May 16, 2022
    Jerad likes this.