Comments on Profile Post by Bimmerboy

  1. Wrfortiscue
    I believe any exercise is just a momentary increase in tinnitus because of blood pressure. Overall should help overall health
    May 19, 2022
  2. Foamearplugssuck
    I believe that exercise can also raise BDNF levels which can help decrease T. Just take it easy and don’t put too much strain on your neck.
    May 19, 2022
    Wrfortiscue, Bimmerboy and Steph1710 like this.
  3. Rockman
    I've had the opposite, I'm losing weight. I try to go for walks though
    May 19, 2022
    Wrfortiscue, Bimmerboy and Steph1710 like this.
  4. ThomasF
    I lost a good amount of weight doing the Keto diet before my T came along. Diet is a bigger contributor to weight loss than solely exercise.
    May 19, 2022
  5. Steph1710
    @ThomasF for most people yes, diet is more important. For me, not at all. I can have an impeccable diet but if I don’t exercise every single day, my weight won’t even shift by a single pound. My mother and sister are the same. It sucks lol.
    May 19, 2022
  6. Steph1710
    @Rockman I do a 3/4 mile walk every evening, regardless of whether I’ve exercised that day already. There’s something really wonderful about walking. It’s so good for the mind - especially if you walk with someone. My partner and me use it as therapy. We always start out fine on the walk, then we have an argument in the middle, and by the time we get home, we’re in really good spirits.
    May 19, 2022
  7. Steph1710
    @Bimmerboy I run every Saturday morning. To begin with, it used to increase my T. But I have found over time, the more I improve my fitness, the less effect exercise including running has on my T. So, I would say you’re fine to run but make sure you don’t pavement run because of the impact. Also, I do a weight class (though it seems to be mostly women who do the classes) and wear earplugs.
    May 19, 2022
    Wrfortiscue and Bimmerboy like this.
  8. Steph1710
    What I can recommend though, is swimming! Swimming is unbelievably good for building fitness fast, with muscle building and weight loss. I’ve swam regularly since I was 17 (now 32). It has never effected my T and if anything, it makes it quieter. Getting out the pool after a good workout feels amazing!
    May 19, 2022
    sakrt, Wrfortiscue, Bimmerboy and 2 others like this.
  9. makeyourownluck
    I cycle or swim. First thing in the morning (6am-8am) is usually very quiet where I live.

    Much better for the joints than running.
    May 19, 2022
    sakrt, Wrfortiscue, Bimmerboy and 2 others like this.
  10. martinberryhorse
    I lift weights 6 days a week, lots of heavy compounds and some isolations. 99 days out of 100 it doesn't affect my T, couple times a year I might get a spike that goes away within a couple hours but that also happens without lifting. I would highly recommend weight lifting, it's one of the few reasons I'm still around and you will have to try hard to not lose weight while doing it.
    May 19, 2022
  11. Bimmerboy
    May 19, 2022
    Steph1710 likes this.
  12. Bimmerboy
    @Steph1710 I agree swimming would be very helpful probably the best form of exercise. But there's 2 things stopping me firat of all insecurity about my body and most importantly getting swimmers ear that shit is one of things that landed me here.
    May 19, 2022
    Steph1710 likes this.
  13. Bimmerboy
    @martinberryhorse I used to lift weights alot in fact was healthy. Never was clinically diagnosed as obese. Lifting weights was my thing so I want to get back into but as every person with T and H does I have to take into consideration these 2 conditions before any new venture.
    May 19, 2022
    martinberryhorse likes this.
  14. Steph1710
    @Bimmerboy ah yeah. Swimmers ear. I know it well. I put these drops in before I swim that kinda coat the eardrum, so the water just tips out when you put you head to the side. The drops have worked very well for me. I am also about three stone over weight atm. I know what it feels like to have body confidence issue. But trust me, no one is judging you. You’re there to get fit, not to look good. :)
    May 19, 2022
    Rockman likes this.
  15. makeyourownluck
    You can wear silicone swimmers earplugs to stop water getting in your ears @Bimmerboy.

    If you are overweight thats even more reason to swim. You can cover up if you want, I like to wear a T-shirt over my swim suit, nobody ever mentions it.
    May 19, 2022
    sakrt, Steph1710 and Rockman like this.
  16. Steph1710
    @makeyourownluck whats it’s like doing lengths in a T-shirt? Can you front crawl okay - presuming you front crawl? I’ve never thought to wear a t-shirt. I mean I wouldn’t start now because I never have. But, it’s a good idea for those who aren’t as brazen as others.
    May 20, 2022
    Rockman likes this.
  17. Bimmerboy
    At this rate I'd have to swim like a dog keeping my ears out of the water out of fear of swimmers ear. I wear silicone ear plugs in shower not because of noise but because of water getting ears. And they do a poor job so too paranoid ill end up with swimmers ear, because that shit was incredibly bad to deal with
    May 20, 2022
    sakrt and Rockman like this.
  18. makeyourownluck
    @Steph1710, yeah front crawl mostly. I’ve always worn a T-shirt so it just feels normal to me. Occasionally I’ll forget an extra T-shirt and I feel like an Olympic athlete lol, you definitely go faster. Suppose it’s just a habit/comfort thing.
    May 20, 2022
    Rockman likes this.