Comments on Profile Post by ErikaS

  1. Guywithapug
    Do you have any good days with little reactivity? I do from time to time and it's a nice break. At first mine was awful like you describe but over 2 years it doesn't feel like it affects me as bad anymore.
    Dec 6, 2022
    Joe Cuber likes this.
  2. ErikaS
    I feel like my good days ended a couple of weeks ago before Thanksgiving. But my good days were centered around not driving and not a lot of noise that would cause a lot of reactivity, Now it’s just gotten more sensitive, may just have to get a little worse before it gets better.
    Dec 6, 2022
  3. ErikaS
    @Guywithapug didn’t know an ear infection could cause this much chaos. No hearing loss.
    Dec 6, 2022
    Guywithapug likes this.
  4. ErikaS
    @Joe Cuber thanks Joe. So my T is so weird. Any louder or constant noise makes it go higher in frequency and that electric hiss gets aggravated. But yes, running water, car rides, things like that send it higher frequencies. Doesn’t necessarily get louder in that moment, just high freq. but once I go into quieter, it’s louder. Did you ever experience an ear fullness feeling at its peak?
    Dec 8, 2022
  5. ErikaS
    @Joe Cuber cant tell if fullness is coming from some sinus inflammation or T sensitivity.
    What do you think helped your reactivity improve? Anything specifically?
    Dec 11, 2022
    Joe Cuber likes this.