Comments on Profile Post by Gabriel

  1. Sammy0225
    I bud! Yea man I had the electric zaps. Kinda a zinging element to it also. Hard to describe but yea maybe shortly after sinus infection I think I developed it or covid. But yea I don't get them anymore it went away after a few months. They come back now and then but nothing as bad when it first started.
    Mar 12, 2023
    Gabriel likes this.
  2. Gabriel
    That's great to hear !
    Were you waking at night/in the morning with it or was it more like just during the day?
    Mar 12, 2023
    Sammy0225 likes this.
  3. Sammy0225
    Yea man it really has no limits day and night I wasn't getting much sleep maybe 3 hours a night? I started taking magnesium glycinate 450mg alot of the electrical sensations slowly calmed. Maybe it was magnesium that helped. Are you taking any vitamins? I still have a electric hissing though sounds like a pit of electric snakes fighting
    Mar 12, 2023
  4. Gabriel
    I am taking magnesium also because it helped me the first time.
    Were you on benzodiazépine before or SSRI ?
    You still have it then ? Is it bad ? Can you sleep ?
    Mar 21, 2023