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  1. Mark Crawford

    Low Frequency Tinnitus

    Yeah I also had more than normal amounts of fleeting tinnitus preceding the onset of this low frequency tinnitus. And no, I don't think the noise cancellation situation was caused by a lot of bass, it happened a couple of times and both times after using noise cancelling earbuds. I also have a...
  2. Mark Crawford

    Low Frequency Tinnitus

    I recently joined this club, unfortunately. This post might be long and messy, which applies to my situation in general, so sorry about that. Symptoms I have: Low frequency pure tone tinnitus, definitely under 100 Hz. It disappears (not masked, disappears) when external sound volume reaches...
  3. Mark Crawford

    E-Cigs and Hearing Loss

    People with T from vaping; how long have you been vaping?
  4. Mark Crawford

    Fire Alarm and Worsened Tinnitus?

    What kind of fire alarm? How close were you and for how long?
  5. Mark Crawford

    Fire Alarm and Worsened Tinnitus?

    I've had low/mild tinnitus for several years from a loud party. I've coped amazingly well, where often several months would go by without me even thinking about the T and it feels like I've been free of it for most of the time. Life has been normal for me. About four days ago the fire alarm...