Announcement Introducing Tags!

Tinnitus Talk

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Jan 23, 2012
Basically, when you want to get someone's attention in a specific situation, you can use tags.

If I wanted to get Markku's attention to this message, I would type @Markku.
That way Markku gets a new alert notification and would know that his attention is wanted in this post.

Tags work in regular posts, but also in profile posts and profile comments.

Also, if you want to get the Moderators' attention, you can use the tag Moderators, so now when I type Moderators, every moderator (Markku, Jim, erik, DezDog) will get an alert notification of this post.

You can tag up to a maximum of 10 people per post.

If you want an email notification every time someone tags you, you can enable the option "Receive email when name is mentioned" in here:

If you want to change the way you are alerted on the site when someone tags you, check here:

It's all very easy and hopefully this is a welcome addition to Tinnitus Talk.

Please comment below! :)
@click - staff staff where? Where does it say that? I'm not sure I follow or understand :D
Beneath your photo - you have 'Inspired' as your mood and then 2 'Staff' labels, one above the other & then 'Lifetime benefactor' and then your name...

maybe it's only me who can see two of you...

oh dear :eek:

oh shoot, how blind am I!

Yeah that is a bug... fixing it now.

If you hadn't said, I wonder how long it would have taken for me to spot that :D

/ all fixed up now.
@Karen, @click, @DezDog, @Ivan, @erik

Do you think the @ is beneficial to be shown in front of the tag?

There is an option to hide the @ in the message.

It would continue to work the same way in practice: you would still tag someone by @their_user_name, but once the message is posted the @ would be automatically removed.

What you think? Which way is clearer/better?
I think it should stay. It differentiates between just the name and a tag. Without it people could be confused when reading the post.

Can we have some more toys to play with? :rolleyes:

I agree with Click. I think the @ should stay, so we can tell it is a tag. Thanks for asking!

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