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Recent content by Andrea Lopez

  1. Andrea Lopez

    What Should I Ask the Dentist?

    Hi Paul. I went today (for a regular cleaning, tooth pain) and asked him about my severe ear pains! I ended up getting a TMD diagnosis and everything they even tole me I need a sleep study. I'd bring up your jaw pain and ear problems. If you can try and make sure you see a DDS
  2. Andrea Lopez

    Not Much Left (Not for Those Wanting to Feel Uplifted)

    I'm so sorry you're suffering. I know the feeling :(. If you don't mind me asking, what is SPL? I'm very new to T but I try and not project into the future. Think that maybe they'll be a treatment or cure in the near future or that you will find something that works for you. Hang in there!
  3. Andrea Lopez

    Country Music Thread

    My fav so far
  4. Andrea Lopez

    Ear Pain?

    I've actually had these symptoms for 6 months now!! Only the pain is a new thing. I need to go to the dentist anyways, so I'll ask about the TMJ thing as well. Haha, that pic is summing up my life right now as well. I really do hope things calm down for you.
  5. Andrea Lopez

    Ear Pain?

    Sorry about the fullness and new tone @Paul10! It really does suck. Thanks for the response and I'll ask about that spray! I want to pull my ears out lately... lol
  6. Andrea Lopez

    Ear Pain?

    Hey everyone, I'm adjusting to my T but now I have been experiencing sharp ear pain deep within my ears as well as behind the earlobe. The pains last a couple of seconds then stop, only to return a couple of minutes later. It is horrible and lasts from morning until night. Is this just part of...
  7. Andrea Lopez

    Tinnitus Extremely Quiet After Ear Wax Removal

    I pray it goes for you!
  8. Andrea Lopez

    New to Tinnitus

    Betty, has your T gone?
  9. Andrea Lopez

    Going Under the Knife Tomorrow

    Good luck @Jake007. I will keep you in my prayers! Isaiah 41:10
  10. Andrea Lopez

    Have you tried Lindenflower tea @Jake007 ? It might be healthier than 15 beers lol. :D

    Have you tried Lindenflower tea @Jake007 ? It might be healthier than 15 beers lol. :D
  11. Andrea Lopez

    What Is Your Tinnitus?

    It means, "I agree" or "me too" :) it's slang where I'm from
  12. Andrea Lopez


  13. Andrea Lopez

    What Is Your Tinnitus?

    @Bidyut saha Ditto, TT is my new FB lol
  14. Andrea Lopez

    What Is Your Tinnitus?

    Hello @Rubenslash! I love your username btw lol. In the beginning I kinda did... not vertigo but slight dizziness. Not sure if it's cuz I got T from a lame ear infection/antibiotics.
  15. Andrea Lopez

    What Is Your Tinnitus?

    I think I have low frequnecy tinnitus... I'm worried it can possibly be Cochlear hydrops/Menieres? Are there any tests to determine this? I'm new to T