Hi Paul. I went today (for a regular cleaning, tooth pain) and asked him about my severe ear pains! I ended up getting a TMD diagnosis and everything they even tole me I need a sleep study.
I'd bring up your jaw pain and ear problems. If you can try and make sure you see a DDS
I'm so sorry you're suffering. I know the feeling :(. If you don't mind me asking, what is SPL?
I'm very new to T but I try and not project into the future. Think that maybe they'll be a treatment or cure in the near future or that you will find something that works for you.
Hang in there!
I've actually had these symptoms for 6 months now!! Only the pain is a new thing. I need to go to the dentist anyways, so I'll ask about the TMJ thing as well.
Haha, that pic is summing up my life right now as well. I really do hope things calm down for you.
Sorry about the fullness and new tone @Paul10! It really does suck. Thanks for the response and I'll ask about that spray! I want to pull my ears out lately... lol
Hey everyone, I'm adjusting to my T but now I have been experiencing sharp ear pain deep within my ears as well as behind the earlobe. The pains last a couple of seconds then stop, only to return a couple of minutes later. It is horrible and lasts from morning until night.
Is this just part of...
Hello @Rubenslash! I love your username btw lol. In the beginning I kinda did... not vertigo but slight dizziness. Not sure if it's cuz I got T from a lame ear infection/antibiotics.