Recent content by Billthegardener

  1. B

    Talking Tinnitus — a U.K. Expo in Birmingham on Saturday, 15th September, 2018

    For David Baguley, When confronted with new tinnitus sufferers is there a good troubleshooting matrix, that would help people find out what type of tinnitus they have. And then basic questions that would lead those to a possible recommend treatment plan? Often, people go to their ENT...
  2. B

    My Tinnitus Has More or Less Been Gone for Four Months

    Great news, thanks for sharing the positive outcome. I have mod to severe random cycling T. I am thankful for the moderate days. It is so easy to get down in the dumps by it. My cause it's unknown. Rotating shift worker with poor sleep hours for 20 yrs. Sleep is so important.
  3. B

    Tinnitus That Came on After Septoplasty and Sinus Surgery

    I had moderate sleep apnea, and snored really loud (shake the walls). CPAP I couldn't do it. So, full nose surgery, had a slight deviated septum, removed it, all the turbinates, had 2 pollups removed, cut out atnoids(tonsils), really trimmed my soft pallet. Still snored, but man could I...
  4. B

    Solution: Neck, Spine or Gut?

    You might try massaging your scalene muscles. At times I thought that helped me some. Trying chiropractor now, was seeing positive results...then after sitting in the chair with my head way back with added tension to really stretch the neck. After that is has been loud for weeks now...
  5. B

    Has Anyone Gone the Route of Regular Hearing Aids? As Opposed to Hearing Aids with Masking Feature

    Just wearing the hearing aids help if you are at 2 to 4 out of 10. They make everthing else louder. Maybe at 5 the white noise might help some. At 6 here ussually and I have to stream music, just under people's voice level. At 7 or 8 out of 10 I have to have it louder and must pay attention...
  6. B

    Introducing My New Book "Living With Tinnitus"

    Awaiting the download to finish now, hope to find that 1 thing to help find my off switch. So different for everyone. Thanks for making this available to us.
  7. B

    Off Switch

    I had 5 days of almost zero T, then back at about 4 out of 10. Had low volume mp3 in ears with muffs over that while I cut the grass. Set backs are easy, sure was a nice 5 days.
  8. B

    Off Switch

    That video work the tapping helps a little for me, but just walking or sitting still with hands over ears applying pressure for 5 minutes them removing does more.
  9. B

    Off Switch

    . This is an excellent video, hope it helps a lot of you. Easy off switch.
  10. B

    Off Switch

    My physical therapy / dry needling lady really worked on mine. Normal posture and sleeping neck position plays a huge part. Glad to hear you had some relief. I was bruised pretty good after being worked on.
  11. B

    New Member — Really Need Some Advice

    Try a deep tissue neck massage. Have them focus on your scalene. Do alot of stretching too, try not to be looking down at your phone as much too. Bad posture can contribute also.
  12. B

    Off Switch

    I noticed others mention running was bothersome. I used to run alot, even did Chicago Marathon. T for almost a year and a half. Have hearing aids to help mask it, I have very little if any hearing loss. I failed the hearing tests because the T was louder than the tones. Tried running outside...
  13. B

    Exercise and Tinnitus — Experiences

    I am very active in the gym. I noticed others mention running was bothersome. I used to run alot, even did Chicago Marathon. T for almost a year and a half. Have hearing aids to help mask it. Tried running outside this fall, absolutely terrible like my ears were pounding. Been getting...