Recent content by Charron

  1. Charron

    Ok my 4th month, I'm doing well, still buzzing but life goes on, my body is falling apart but...

    Ok my 4th month, I'm doing well, still buzzing but life goes on, my body is falling apart but life goes on! Love to all suffering x
  2. Charron

    Almost 3 Months!

    I would recommend everyone try this method, be patient, I'm yet to have actual silence but I'm confident I will, if not I'm happy to have gotten to the point where I'm happy anyway xxxx
  3. Charron

    Almost 3 Months!

    Hi, to start with my T was loud, I could hear it over the shower, and the shower made my H so bad I had to wear swimming plugs! I hid away for a few weeks but missed my baby granddaughters so much that I decided to ignore the H, their screaming and shouting still gets to me but no way like it...
  4. Charron

    Almost 3 Months!

    Ok, I'll try not to make it too long, I've not been on here for a few weeks but will try to come back regularly to post on the success forum as for me my journey is a success, no I'm not cured. My first post was a cry for help, I couldn't cope with my sudd n hearing loss, the noise of H and all...
  5. Charron

    My Problems Keep Piling Up

    You can overcome this, your life is just beginning, your T almost went, that's great, you are just so stressed at the moment, young, pretty ,clever ! Just believe in yourself some and I promise one day you will look back and wonder why you ever let situations make you feel bad, try and learn to...
  6. Charron

    My Problems Keep Piling Up

    Keep positive honey, we never know y some people are mean, jealousy from other girls could be the problem, try not to let others get to you, you are not alone with your health issues even at your young age! Find someone to talk to, try and relax, be confident that one day everything will be...
  7. Charron

    A Positive Thread: What Calms Your Tinnitus?

    Funny enough housework and walking and being busy busy busy! I thought perhaps I had sshl because of being stressed and so manically busy but right now the same calms me! Hugs to all xxxx
  8. Charron

    My Problems Keep Piling Up

    Hey baby gal, do not let them bitches get u down! I know you are stronger than u think, having health problems at a young ag sucks but you will bounce back! Perhaps more than anything you would benefit someone to talk to, Drs don't really help with hearing problems and are generally very busy so...
  9. Charron

    Hi Sara, it's 10 weeks, I have Amatriptaline to sleep but it's better than it was, I had H bad...

    Hi Sara, it's 10 weeks, I have Amatriptaline to sleep but it's better than it was, I had H bad but I try to ignore it, it's getting easier x
  10. Charron

    Day 13, F**k It and Smile!

    Little update, just over 2 months, I have been ignoring the H, lots of supermarkets and cafes, it's definitely getting better. The T is still hisssssing, sometimes loud but one morning I woke and thought it had gone! Then I listened hard and found it! It only happened the once but after trying...
  11. Charron

    How to Become Useless (Don't Give Up the Fight)

    Hope it goes good for u, don't forget to come back! X
  12. Charron

    I know it's hard honey, just believe it won't be forever, you are not alone xxx

    I know it's hard honey, just believe it won't be forever, you are not alone xxx
  13. Charron

    Not Coping Very Well with Tinnitus

    Hi, sorry to hear that you are feeling so down, I've had sudden hearing loss with T and H since December, yes it is the worst thing ever...BUT you will feel better and at some point your brain will phase out the noises, I was like you a couple of months ago, I came upon this site and lovely...
  14. Charron

    How to Become Useless (Don't Give Up the Fight)

    Big hugs to you, My hearing test done at home by myself looks like yours, you are lucky to get the medicine as my dr won't give anything except Prozac! It's such a shock to the system, hope you feel better soon, hugs from England xx
  15. Charron

    Don't See the Point Anymore to Staying

    @gary it doesn't matter, what's important is to let newbies know that we all feel this way, it does get better, I'm 2 months in and have more good days than bad BUT I will never forget my first month and the people here who helped me through,. It's been the hardest thing I have ever faced, and I...