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  • How are you doing @Daystar since your last worsening?
    Update will be appreciated, great you are doing better! I am worse than ever, huge increase in T level, and persistently stubborn H. Might be getting suicidal for real :(

    And spike improving in 2 months. That's long! I keep worsening seemingly from car rides (with protection). It's just creeping worsening, like slightly every day with varing intensity. Hardly do anything else loud, just at home (quiet).
    Im sorry to hear you keep worsening :(

    During my worse "spikes" as the one I had in March, my ears also seem to be worsening from almost everything such as car rides, just talking, showering, PC fans etc... But they somehow get better over time (slow) for me. I was basically home for 5 weeks straight last "spike".

    Keep fighting, I think for most people ears do get a little better overtime.

    Sending hugs your way!!
    Thank you so much. It is encouraging you have seen improvement after such stretches of setbacks. You are quite a bit younger than I am, so that probably helps...
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