Recent content by Digital Doc

  1. Digital Doc

    How to Protect Ears at a Carnival?

    Foam earplugs with an NRR = 33 are better than plastic ones.
  2. Digital Doc

    Any Chance Omega-3 Pills Are Making My Tinnitus More Persistent?

    Is the 500 mg a high dose or low dose according to the article? My tinnitus is noise induced, and constant noise to me.
  3. Digital Doc

    Exposed to Snowblower without Hearing Protection — Tinnitus Now Very Loud and High-Pitched

    Protect your ears vigilantly for the next several months, and try to not overprotect. Only thing is to wait it out and see at this point. Avoid additional noise exposure. Need to stop the vaping as well. Hope the tinnitus improves at some point.
  4. Digital Doc

    Are Custom Earplugs Worth It? Any Other Good Options? Foam Ones Keep Coming Loose

    The foam earplugs have a higher NRR than the custom ones in general. The custom ones have their place as some folks can't get the foam ones to work for them. From what you describe, it sounds like the earplugs are not going deep enough when you insert them. Make sure you pull your ear up and...
  5. Digital Doc

    Worsening Tinnitus After Trying Notch Therapy

    Protection from noise early on is key. Notch therapy is the opposite of that, and should be avoided.
  6. Digital Doc

    Can I Go to a NHL Game? Could It Make My Tinnitus Worse?

    I would vote not to go with a recent spike that can take over a year to work through in my experience, even with earplugs. Sporting events can exceed 100 dB. How loud is it? Game 1 decibel readings
  7. Digital Doc

    CPAP Machine Making Tinnitus Worse?

    I looked into it further, and CPAP machines are about 30 dB, which is pretty quiet. I have never used one, but we have them at the hospital, and they seem louder to me with all the oxygen flowing. Also, as a machine ages, I would think that they would also get a little louder. Also, some pitches...
  8. Digital Doc

    CPAP Machine Making Tinnitus Worse?

    I don't know the decibels, but CPAP machines are not super quiet. Spikes of tinnitus are definitely caused by noise exposure.
  9. Digital Doc

    CPAP Machine Making Tinnitus Worse?

    The CPAP machines will generate noise all night long when used. The tinnitus will be worse in the AM after that exposure. You need a quieter CPAP machine, or try earplugs at night.
  10. Digital Doc

    Audiologist Recommends Listening to Soothing Sounds Using Earbuds for Tinnitus Relief

    Continue to avoid the earbuds. Could try to listen at low volume via a regular speaker.
  11. Digital Doc

    Me and My Wife's Tinnitus Were Significantly Quieter During COVID-19 (Delta Variant) Infection

    Were you on a steroid during the COVID-19 treatment? Decadron or Solumedrol?
  12. Digital Doc

    Could Getting an Ear Piercing Make Tinnitus Worse?

    What caused your tinnitus in the first place? Noise-induced tinnitus should not change with an ear piercing.
  13. Digital Doc

    My Story So Far — Tinnitus from Leaf Blower Incident After Years of Rock Guitar Playing

    When I first put the earplugs in, the tinnitus is louder. After a couple of minutes, it down regulates, and the tinnitus goes down significantly. It is hard to sleep without them now. I am not sure if it works for everyone, but definitely works for me.
  14. Digital Doc

    Tinnitus Changed Overnight & Hearing in the Right Ear Feels Muffled

    Damn annoying to wake up with the ear fullness. I avoid it at all costs.