Recent content by Eszett78

  1. Eszett78

    Hum-Like Tinnitus — Let's Compare

    Yes, but if you make a checklist for criteria of 'organic' and 'artificial' it matches 'artificial' 100%, no? As there is no change in frequency and it goes 'on' and 'off' like a switch is turned. I can hardly believe my brain is capable of creating /emulating such sounds. There is one last...
  2. Eszett78

    Hi! may we talk?

    Hi! may we talk?
  3. Eszett78

    Hum-Like Tinnitus — Let's Compare

    Hi! I am 43 years old and have to bear a hum-like sound in my head since maybe 10 years now, and it is more than strange since all its properties are those of an artificial sound and quite 'unbiological' in my opinion: it's around 100-120 Hz (estimated) it's a tad more on the right half of my...
  4. Eszett78

    On & Off Loud Humming

    Count me in, guys.:welcomesignanimation: I thought I'm the only one. I could write a lengthy report about me and my tinnitus, but let me mention the most relevant facts: my tinnitus is really on or off state, nothing inbetween. It is digital as digital can be. there's no change in frequency...